
Showing posts with the label hair cards

Ornatrix/3ds Max: Branching workflow for realtime hair cards.

  In this video I show you a revolutionary method (ornatrix branching) for editing haircards for games. Its essence lies in the fact that having different layers - we create one object that manages all layers and allows combing and editing at once - as if it were one whole object. Also, Branching allows you to replace any hair card with another - for a dedicated guide or group - at any time. For this task - I will be using 3ds Max and Ornatrix. It is which allows - to create several layers with different haircards and one base object with which we will manage them. Thanks to this, editing the hairstyle becomes more convenient than during the usual manual creation of haircards.   ---   PATREON:   If you want to get all the lessons with my voice acting as soon as possible, do not wait for the release of each episode for years, and also plunge into the friendly groomers community in Discord + receive feedback on work, answers to questions about grooming - then support m...