
Showing posts with the label brushify

Unreal Engine 4.26 + Brushify. Final Part.

  In this video, we continue setting up your world, which was created in Brushify + Unreal Engine 4 in the previous series. In this series, I will show you how to add palms, adjust roads, and displacement. It is final and I won't shoot anything with Brushify anymore. Why? I will explain in a separate video about the plans for 2021. A strong coup is coming on the channel. Get ready =) This video for Brushify is done without sound. Subtitles only. Thanks to this, as you can see, I released all the episodes very quickly.      More tutorials: - World Creator 2  →   - Unreal Engine 4 →   - Brushify →        Previous series: 1 -   2 -   3 -        Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:18 - Important information for the develo...

Unreal Engine 4.26 + Brushify. Part 3.

  In this video, we continue to customize your world, which was created in Brushify + Unreal Engine 4 in the previous series. In this series, I'll show you how to add the new lighting, clouds, and water that were introduced in UE 4.26. This and the following Brushify videos will be muted. Subtitles only. So - I will quickly release all the parts that I promised to record.      More tutorials: - World Creator 2  →   - Unreal Engine 4 →   - Brushify → Previous parts: 1 - 2-      Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:18 - Important information for the development of the channel 1:29 - Setting up new lighting 5:43 - Adjust volumetric clouds, sun rays, and Bloom effect 8:56 - Adding water 10:17 - Forrender Renderfarm 10:24 - Promotional code for using a 15% lifetime...

Unreal Engine 4 + Brushify. Part 2.

  In this video, I continue to show the capabilities of the Brushify plugin in Unreal Engine 4. In it we will talk about how: → Adjust water shader → Add foam and smooth transition to sand → Change HDRi lighting by selecting presets from the Brushify library → Add vegetation and trees to the selected area → Create forest → Adjust normal shadows and shadings      More tutorials: - World Creator 2  → - Unreal Engine 4 → - Brushify →      Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:36 - Important information for the development of the channel 1:01 - Setting up the water shader 3:18 - Change HDRi lighting 5:03 - Adding vegetation 8:21 - Creation of the forest 9:43 - Adjusting quality shadows 11:08 - Forrender Renderfarm 11:15  - Promo code to use 15% lifetime discount on our render farm. 11:18 - Info-partners 11:22 - Ending and preview of other lessons.   ...

World Creator 2. Export to Unreal Engine 4 + Brushify. Part 1

  World Creator 2 Tutorial Series Part 13 In this video, we'll talk about how: → Create terrain using World Creator 2 and using sculpting tools, as well as different filters. → Create a special sand mask near the ocean → Import this terrain into Unreal Engine and Brushify → Assign auto-material → Configure Distance Tilling and enable Triplanar → Add a sand layer and apply the mask from World Creator.     More tutorials: - World Creator 2  → - Unreal Engine 4 → - Brushify →      Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. Thanks. 0:59 - Adjust the size of the terrain. Adding the ocean. Create a custom shape using the "Custom Base Shape". 4:48 - Adding Area and sculpting. 6:19 - Filters: "Mountains", "Sediment", "Erosion Fluvial", "Canyon Eroded". 9:23 - Sculpting the entire landscape 12:12 - Sand texture and mask for Unreal Engine 4 14:50 - Creating a project in Unreal Engin...