
Showing posts with the label grooming

Learn How to Apply Color to Fur or Hair using Ornatrix/3ds Max/Redshift

  Are you interested in learning how to apply color to fur or hair using Ornatrix/3ds Max/Redshift? If so, then this video is for you! In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the basics of using Redshift Principled Hair to add color to fur or hair, and 3ds Max and Redshift to create the final render. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use Redshift Principled Hair Mtl to add color to Ornatrix fur or hair, and 3ds Max and Redshift to create a final render. After watching this video, you'll be able to apply color to fur or hair using Ornatrix/3ds Max/Redshift effectively! ___ Just a reminder that you can become a channel sponsor and get a 95% discount - on all my assets, voiceovers in another language, etc. It's enough to do it here Also, if this is your first time on this channel, I recommend watching its trailer ___ WHO AM I? Hi, my name is Andrew Krivulya Charly and I am a 3d-artist who began my journey as a 3d-groom artist in 2016 New works can be viewed here Befor...

Learn How to Apply Color to Fur or Hair using Ornatrix/3ds Max/Vray

  Are you interested in learning how to apply color to fur or hair using Ornatrix/3ds Max/Vray? If so, then this video is for you! In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the basics of using V-Ray Hair Mtl to add color to fur or hair, and 3ds Max and Vray to create the final render. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use V-RayHairNextMtl to add color to Ornatrix fur or hair, and 3ds Max and Vray to create a final render. After watching this video, you'll be able to apply color to fur or hair using Ornatrix/3ds Max/Vray effectively! ___ Just a reminder that you can become a channel sponsor and get a 95% discount - on all my assets, voiceovers in another language, etc. It's enough to do it here Also, if this is your first time on this channel, I recommend watching its ___ WHO AM I? Hi, my name is Andrew Krivulya Charly and I am a 3d-artist who began my journey as a 3d-groom artist in 2016 New works can be viewed here Before that from 2009 - 2016 - I did env...

Ornatrix UE 5: Demo Clump Brush in Unreal Engine 5

  In this video - I show the DemoClump brush in Ornatrix for Unreal Engine 5. This brush can be used to manually create Clumps from selected hair. Sometimes you need this when you just need to manually edit something. Yes, we have the Clumper modifier and we have manual selection of guides there too, but this brush is also - sometimes - useful =) Because you have complete control over how the Clump will behave.  This brush can be used with both Edit Guides and regular hair, which you get after using the Create brush.  ___ The purpose of the series - quickly show something interesting and useful related to this plugin.  I do not spend time on the voiceover, as there are already basic lessons - which also need to do =) But since - I do not upload them very often, need to do something else - to grow the channel. ___ Just a reminder that you can become a channel sponsor and get a 95% discount - on all my assets, voiceovers in another language, etc. It's enough to do it h...

Ornatrix Features #8 - Drawing HairMesh in Maya.

In this episode - I show the ability to draw guides and then convert them into a Mesh - using the Draw Strand Tool in Ornatrix Maya. This feature can be used to quickly create a hair sculpture. ---  CONTENTS: 0:00 - Selecting Draw Strands Tool. 0:07 - Drawing the guides. 0:30 - Convert them into a Mesh with MeshFromStrands. --- The purpose of the series - quickly show something interesting and useful related to this plugin.  I do not spend time on the voiceover, as there are already basic lessons - which also need to do =) But since - I do not upload them very often, need to do something else - to grow the channel. --- CHANNEL SUPPORT: If you want to support this channel, then throw your donations here: ➡️Paypal - ➡️DonationAlert - Also subscribe to the group - - it's run by a fan of mine, since I can't go in myself. There you can chat, ask questions, etc. This is an alternativ...

How to export a scene with Ornatrix hair in Vray .vrscene from Maya and render it in 3ds Max?

  In this video I show you how to export the created hairstyle Ornatrix Maya/V-Ray Renderer in .vrscene format and render it without Ornatrix - in 3ds Max or Cinema 4D.   Very often - I was asked for such a possibility, because not always clients in the same Cinema4D or 3ds Max - want to buy Ornatrix, and it is necessary to render in it. In Cinema4D - did not show, because I do not have a V-Ray license for it. But =) The principle is the same. You just select the V-Ray Scene object and load the scene. By the way, this method allows you to render scenes faster and saves GPU memory. And if you render via Batch, as I showed here -   it will be even faster =)  Information about this format -   --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into the friendly groomers community on ...

Maya/Ornatrix/Arnold: How to export into USD and render in Cinema4D/3ds Max?

  In this video, I show how to export the created hairstyle Ornatrix Maya/Arnold Renderer 7 in .usd format and render without having Ornatrix - in 3ds Max and Cinema 4D.   Very often - I was asked for such a possibility, because customers in the same Cinema4D or 3ds Max - not always want to buy Ornatrix, and need to render without it. --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into the friendly groomers community on Discord + get feedback on work, answers to questions about grooming - then support me on Patreon -  --- OTHER LESSONS: - Ornatrix Cinema 4D →   - Ornatrix Maya →   - Ornatrix 3ds Max →   - Octane →   - Arnold →   - Redshift →   - Fstorm →   - V-R...