
Showing posts with the label 2080ti

Redshift 3.0.43. RTX ON faster x2.8 times! - RS Principled Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink.

  In this video, I'm showing a render-test of the new Redshift 3.0.43 on my dog project. The increase in speed on this scene: in one test - x1.7, and in the other x2.8 !!! And this is awesome! Since with the last test with the scorpion girl - I was a little upset, I was doing different tests all weekend - and threw them here on the forum -   During the tests, I came to the conclusion that RTX ON still needs to be improved in Redshift and not all tests are successful. We are already discussing these points with NVidia and the Redshift Team. I think that in subsequent releases, the situation will improve on those scenes that did not show acceleration ... Perhaps the reason for the slowdown in RTX ON in previous tests was the choice of the Hilbert method + increasing the bucket size to 256 ... I don't know. We need to check ... But here I left the default method - Spiral and bucket = 128 and it got a strong acceleration...

Redshift 3.0.41. RS Principled Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink. RTX ON/OFF

  In this video, I am showing a render-test of the new Redshift 3.0.41 on my recent project, which is already familiar to you from my previous tests. Since it has a new Hair Physical Material based on Disney research and I wanted to check how much slower it will render. Why was I already sure it was slower? Because many have already complained at the forum, but also since the material has become physically correct - naturally, it transmits more light and requires big miscalculations. But honestly, I didn't really get into all this .. I'm not a physicist or a mathematician. I am a creator with a creative mindset .. Therefore, for me - if only it renders beautifully and quickly, and what is there in physics and what processes are taking place is not very interesting =) Info about RTX SpeedUP -   The release of new NVIDIA Studio drivers also pushed me to this test. After all, Optix 7.2 was added to them, in which they promised to speed up the rendering of...

How to work with Chaos Vantage? Animation, DoF, Hair, Interior. Final.

  ChaosGroup recently released a new update to their "Project Lavina" raytracing engine, now called "Chaos Vantage". In this video, I'll show you how: → Export scene to .vrscene format from 3ds max and import to "Chaos Vantage" → Adjust fog → Change lighting to "Physical Sun & Sky" → Enable "Depth of Field" → Render a picture with and without a denoiser. → Make camera animation or record video with actions from the viewport Also, in this series - I will demonstrate the work of the interior from Evermotion and since Chaos Vantage doesn't support hair from Ornatrix and V-Ray Hair Mtl - I will show you how to import it anyway - using one clever trick.      More tutorials: - Chaos Vantage →   - V-Ray →   - 3ds Max →        Video content: 0:00 - Switch on subtitles in another language 0:05 - Welcome and lesson topic. 0:49 - Channel support informatio...

Arnold 6 GPU. Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink in 3ds Max. RTX ON

  I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI + NVLink. Shown a variant with RTX.  Standard GPU settings = 9 min. This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! Other benchmarks -             Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter -

Octane Render 2020. Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink in 3ds Max. RTX ON

  I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI + NVLink. Shown a variant with RTX. 10 000 samples = 23 min. This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! Other benchmarks - Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter - ★Facebook - ...

Unreal Engine 4.25. Alembic Hair. Q&A Part 1. Official answers from the community.

Official answers from Epic Games (Unreal Community) to various questions about Alembic hair in Unreal Engine 4.25-26. In this video, I answer questions such as: - solve the problem with DOF / Motion Blur artifacts while rendering hair? - transfer color from Xgen / Ornatrix to Unreal Engine 4? - avoid problems with wool simulation during Bind to skeleton mesh? - export hair from Xgen in three ways using different scripts? - solve the problem with Backface Culling during Scale X = -1? - set up a shader and add texture render? - to flip the texture? - improve shadow rendering and hair/fur quality? More tutorials: - Unreal Engine 4 → - Alembic Hair → Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:29 - Acknowledgments 2:02 - Alembic Hair Groom Asset + DoF = artifacts around edges. Official response from the developers. 4:07 - Color transfer from Xgen / Ornatrix 5:39 - Answer from developers about RootUV and Per Strands /...

Redshift performance test in Houdini. 30 million instances. 2*2080Ti(NVLink)

Redshift performance test in Houdini. The idea of this test came about after Andrey Flat showed a screenshot of this scene and I was impressed with the fact that Houdini @ Redshift3D very quickly turned 30 million instances * 4 million polygons = 120 trillion polys in the viewport. Yes, yes, I understand that there are only 4 million polygons in the viewport ... But then again, when I multiplied the instances so much in 3ds max - you all remember that I didn’t jump above 400 million polys. There was a crash on copies and instances ... And here - it behaves calmly at 120 trillion !!! View Andrey’s portfolio by clicking on the link -

World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.

World Creator 2 - a unique and powerful landscape generator worked on GPU in Real-time. In this video I will talk about how: - Import material or 3d object from Quixel Megascans library - Use Area tool for filters, textures and objects - Sculpt the landscape - Import displacement from GoogleMaps - Mix multiple Displacement maps - Texturing them - Plant trees on a specific area and optimizes the viewport to work with this workflow - Draw with custom masks and create a mask for grass growth.

Ornatrix 3. "aiUserDataColor" attribute and RGB channels in Arnold Renderer.

In this tutorial, we’ll talk about the quick addition and removal of hair using the new tools in Ornatrix 3, learn how to color them using the Paint Tool, and also render this color using a special attribute in Arnold Render.

Octane Render speed test with 4 billion polys(instances). 2x2080TI NVlink.

Since NVLink in Octane Render doesn't work with the test that it already did on V-Ray and Redshift, I decided to just check Instances and the speed of the new version. In principle, I think that the subsequent tests will already be done with Instance. Since, a few people use copies, and this was purely for interest, in order to take maximum GPU-memory. After all, then - I didn't come up with anything else =) As a result, Octane behaves calmly at 4 billion, I think, like other renders with Instance. But 3dsmax is buggy in statistics and goes into some obscure minuses.

Redshift 3.0.21 Nvlink Test on 2x2080Ti

Since literally all render developers add NVLink support, I decided to test it in Redshift 3.0.21. Because on this version - I noticed a strong jump in speed in Redshift Render. Many even talk about this on the forum =) The essence of the test is to fill the entire memory of one 2080Ti so that NVLink works and starts taking the missing memory from the second video card. Since Instance doesn't take up a lot of memory - I do a Copies. If you wish, you can enable Instance and render billions, but the essence of the test is not the point. I know about the Array Tool and when I tried it - Max crashed immediately, even on Object -Display as Box. So I carefully copied using Shift so that nothing would fly out. So far I decided to test without textures. The following tests will already be with them. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I ...

Vray 5 Beta 3ds max. NVLINK test. 400 million polys rendered! Not instances on 2x2080TI

This is a fast test with new ChaosGroup V-Ray 5 Beta and 400 million polys on 2x2080Ti + NVLink test in 3ds Max.

V-Ray GPU Next render test on 2080Ti, 1080Ti, i9 9900K, e5-1650v2 and 2 * e5-2667. Part 2

The second part of the V-Ray GPU Next test on 2080Ti and 1080Ti video cards, as well as i9 9900K, e5-1650v2 and 2 * e5-2667 CPU's in Autodesk 3ds Max. This time, "RTX ON" showed its best side. The increase in speed on the render is almost 2 times compared with the usual render on the 2080Ti without it. It is strange of course that the compilation time is much slower, and the funny thing is that 4 * 1080Ti compiles the scene much longer than even 1 * 1080Ti =) I don’t know why, but you will see it in the video yourself. Also in the video I answered the question - is it worth switching from a CPU-render to a GPU-render. By the number of passes - you can perfectly understand everything. And once again for everyone who asks for Ryzen and other hardware tests - I don't have it =) I am testing on what is available for me. If you want, you can join to this tests, download the scene and write your results in the comments.      More videos: - V-Ray  → http://bi...

V-Ray GPU Next IPR test on 2080Ti, 1080Ti, i9 9900K, e5-1650v2 and 2*e5-2667

V-Ray GPU Next IPR test on 2080Ti and 1080Ti video cards, as well as i9 9900K, e5-1650v2 and 2 * e5-2667 processors RTX on - launched just for fan, it was just interesting and wanted to make sure that we should wait for the official Optix 7.0 in the new drivers from NVidia. While it isn't there and this is a nightly build - there really is no acceleration. In some scenes - it is barely noticeable, and in some - worse than without RTX =) But, ChaosGroup still made a huge step in performance compared to previous versions. It used to take 5-30 minutes to compile the fur, now it’s literally a second. It is very pleasing, especially to me, who appreciates every minute. I won't write my conclusions about comparing 2080Ti vs 1080Ti - please do it yourself here. Because I don't like to compare. The purpose of the video is to show the performance of both GPU's and CPU's, as I am interested. And don't do comparisons.           More tutorials: - V-Ray  ...

Marvelous Designer 9 cloth simulation on GPU 2080Ti and intel i9 9900k. Part 2

My test with the new Marvelous Designer 9 cloth simulation on the GeForce RTX 2080Ti and core i9 9900K. Comparison of simulation speed.