
Showing posts with the label railclone tutorial

RailClone 3ds max. Chapter 2.3. L1S Array creation.

In this part we will talk about how: - create an L1S Array generator to modeling a building by spline      More tutorials: - 3ds Max  → - RailClone →      Video Content: 0:00 - Welcome and lesson topic. 0:54 - Overview of the scene for the lesson 3:09 - All about working in Style Editor. 5:07 - Creating L1S Array 5:53 - Start and End nodes 6:30 - Corner node 6:50 - BC Offset 7:43 - Evenly 9:00 - Default segment 9:21 - Rules and Default Mode 10:56 - Forrender Renderfarm 11:07 - InfoPartners 11:10 - The ending and previews of other lessons.            Stay tuned for updates: ★Vkontakte - ★Instagram - ★Twitter - ★Facebook -          All interviews and articles with me -

Railclone tutorial in 3ds max. Style and Display tabs.

Railclone plugin for 3dsmax. Chapter 2.2  Library Browser and Extract models for editing style. In this video we’ll talk about the Style and Display tabs. Learn how to work with Library Browser and also talk about how to extract a model from a style and edit it to create your own.

Railclone interface. Style Editor and Curve Steps option. Railclone object creation.

In this video we will talk about how to create a Railclone object. I’ll show the Railclone interface and the settings, and also talk about a few important options that will come in handy at the beginning.