
Showing posts with the label fstorm

Making of "Scorpion hair". Part 1. V-ray, Octane, Fstorm, Arnold, Redshift hair shader.

  A video of how I set up the hair material in the "Scorpion Girl" scene for my render tests in V-Ray, Octane, Fstorm, Redshift, and Arnold. Also, in this video, I will talk about one important nuance that should be taken into account when setting up a shader in Octane Render. About donations (ENG) - Donations page - or Paypal -   My portfolio -      More tutorials: - Ornatrix Cinema 4D → - Ornatrix Maya → - Ornatrix 3ds Max → - Octane → - Arnold → - Redshift → - Fstorm → - V-Ray →      Video content: 0:00 - Greetings. 0:12 - What are we going to talk about in this video? 0:31 - Channel support 1:09 - Arnold Renderer 1:43 - Octane Renderer 6...

Fstorm. Hair render test on 2x2080ti in 3ds Max.

I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI in FStorm. Render time - 2m14s Samples - 10 000 Noise - 0.003 Primitives - 36.244.724 Other benchmarks - This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter - ★Facebook - https://www.faceb...

Fstorm Performance Test(183 million polys) on 2080Ti

Another performance test. But already with FStorm. This test was invented by the developer himself, because after talking with Andrey, I came to the conclusion that 3ds Max does tricky optimization, even when we use copies, not instances.

Fstorm Render. Parallax Bump and Projection Material. Poliigon and Quixel Megascans.

A tutorial about new features recently added in Fstorm Render. → Projection Material allows you to project any materials onto objects using the ID Map. → Parallax Bump - cool in that it looks like Displacement, but in terms of rendering speed - works like a normal Bump and at the same time, it can be used with any maps like Mix, Noise, etc. It also does not make breaks and does not require updating the geometry. In this part we will talk about how: - Project the decal of the hatch, leaves and the pedestrian crossing on the asphalt, as well as different decals on the wall. - Customize Parallax Bump, Fstorm Projection Material and Projection Mapping in the texture. - Use textures from Poliigon and Quixel Megascans

FStorm Render. Render environment with clouds and atmosphere in 3ds Max tutorial.

Creation of frozen mountains. The final part.           In this part we will talk about how: - convert vdb to geometry by using V-Ray Volume Grid - customize cloud material - make clouds more realistic - make high-quality render volume scatter effects - fight with volume scatter bugs by using ray threshold. - render different lighting and atmosphere with clouds in FStorm            

Quixel mixer landscape texturing tutorial. Render in 3ds Max and FStorm

Creating a frozen mountains. Part 2.          In this part we will talk:  - about how to create material in Quixel Mixer, which includes different textures assigned by masks. - How to export all this material to Quixel Bridge and import into 3ds Max. - about how to render the landscape in FStorm and create a basic atmosphere, about which we will continue to talk in the 3rd part.