
Showing posts with the label arnold render 6

Arnold 6 GPU. Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink in 3ds Max. RTX ON

  I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI + NVLink. Shown a variant with RTX.  Standard GPU settings = 9 min. This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! Other benchmarks -             Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter -

Arnold Renderer refractive portrait in Maya.

Tutorial about the creation of a beautiful portrait effect - Refractive Portrait в Arnold Renderer. In this video I will show how: - adjust the scene for this effect - project a texture onto an object using the nodes "aiCameraProjection" and "aiImage" - use nodes "aiRange" and "Luminance" More tutorials: - Arnold Renderer → - Maya → Video content: 0:00 - Tutorial theme. 0:32 - Import 3d head scan 0:47 - Scale correction and scene preparation 3:42 - Creating a shader for the head and projecting the texture onto it 3:45 - Nodes "aiCameraProjection" and "aiImage" 5:09 - Setting up the shader for the plane. "aiRange" and "Luminance" nodes 7:30 - What the documentation doesn't say 8:12 - Demonstration of the effect with different textures 8:52 - Experiments with "aiRange" node 10:32 - Forrender Renderfarm 10:39 - The promotio...

Creating Real-time hair with Ornatrix Maya and Arnold. Part 4

A series of lessons about Real-time hair creation using Ornatrix Maya and Vray / Arnold. Part 4.      Previous parts: - Part 1 - - Part 2 - - Part 3 - In this part, we will talk about how: - Create planes for eyelashes and bake all the necessary textures in Arnold Render. - Set up a different mesh density depending on the length and optimize it. - Create different layers of planes for the head - Use two approaches in creating real-time curls - Generate Normal Map, Cavity and Object Space in Knald. - Get a Specular Map - Create curly geometry - Optimize planes using Reduce and create different LODs.

Procedural landscape in World Creator 2. Export to Cinema 4D and render in Arnold 6 GPU.

In this video we will talk: - about creating a rocky landscape in World Creator using different settings and filters, - about its texturing using procedural textures, - About exporting color and displacement map, - About importing this landscape into Cinema4D and rendering into Arnold Render 6 GPU. I also: - will teach you to imitate a light haze or fog, - will show how to do easy post-processing in Photoshop to get a more voluminous and atmospheric image.      More tutorials: - Arnold → - Cinema 4D → - World Creator →