
Showing posts with the label fstorm render

Fstorm. Hair render test on 2x2080ti in 3ds Max.

I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI in FStorm. Render time - 2m14s Samples - 10 000 Noise - 0.003 Primitives - 36.244.724 Other benchmarks - This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter - ★Facebook - https://www.faceb...

Fstorm Performance Test(183 million polys) on 2080Ti

Another performance test. But already with FStorm. This test was invented by the developer himself, because after talking with Andrey, I came to the conclusion that 3ds Max does tricky optimization, even when we use copies, not instances.