
Showing posts with the label unreal

Unreal Engine 4.25. Alembic Hair. Q&A Part 2. Official answers from the community.

  Official answers from Epic Games (Unreal Community) to various questions about Alembic hair in Unreal Engine 4.25-26. Part 2 Previous part →   In this video we will talk about: → How does Nick Rutlinh's hair&fur shader work? → Why is it worth switching to version 4.25? → How to work with wool and its simulation? → Can I add LODs for Alembic Hair For games? → How to enable debug mode for hair and what modes are there? → How to interact with the hat and the wind? → What problems are still with the hair shader?      More tutorials: - Unreal Engine 4  → - Alembic Hair →     Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:32 - Acknowledgments 2:03 - Nick Rutlinh hair shader. Demonstration of work. 3:45 - EuMelanin and Pheomelanin 4:19 - Blending with texture with TextureBlend 5:01 - Random Melanin 6:14 - Grey Hair 6:37 - Dye Color 7:58 - Problem with Roughne...

Unreal Engine 4.25. Alembic Hair. Q&A Part 1. Official answers from the community.

Official answers from Epic Games (Unreal Community) to various questions about Alembic hair in Unreal Engine 4.25-26. In this video, I answer questions such as: - solve the problem with DOF / Motion Blur artifacts while rendering hair? - transfer color from Xgen / Ornatrix to Unreal Engine 4? - avoid problems with wool simulation during Bind to skeleton mesh? - export hair from Xgen in three ways using different scripts? - solve the problem with Backface Culling during Scale X = -1? - set up a shader and add texture render? - to flip the texture? - improve shadow rendering and hair/fur quality? More tutorials: - Unreal Engine 4 → - Alembic Hair → Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:29 - Acknowledgments 2:02 - Alembic Hair Groom Asset + DoF = artifacts around edges. Official response from the developers. 4:07 - Color transfer from Xgen / Ornatrix 5:39 - Answer from developers about RootUV and Per Strands /...