
Showing posts with the label substance painter 2

Fantasy forest creation in the Corona Renderer.

Fantasy Forest creation with Corona Renderer, 3D-Coat, Poliigon, Substance Painter, 3dsmax, Megascans, SpeedTree, Polybrush, ForestPack, WorldCreator and Cobweb. You can watch this project here -

Creature concept in 3D-Coat. Skin in the Substance painter. Ornatrix fur. Vray render.

In this video I show the process of creating a creature concept in 3D Coat, its retopology and UV unwrap, setting up a scene in Vray, drawing masks in Mudbox to create fur with Ornatrix, setting up a skin shader in the Substance Painter, creating eyelashes, eyebrows and hairstyles in Ornatrix, grass with ForestPack and the final rendering in Vray on our farm