
Showing posts with the label vrscene

How to export a scene with Ornatrix hair in Vray .vrscene from Maya and render it in 3ds Max?

  In this video I show you how to export the created hairstyle Ornatrix Maya/V-Ray Renderer in .vrscene format and render it without Ornatrix - in 3ds Max or Cinema 4D.   Very often - I was asked for such a possibility, because not always clients in the same Cinema4D or 3ds Max - want to buy Ornatrix, and it is necessary to render in it. In Cinema4D - did not show, because I do not have a V-Ray license for it. But =) The principle is the same. You just select the V-Ray Scene object and load the scene. By the way, this method allows you to render scenes faster and saves GPU memory. And if you render via Batch, as I showed here -   it will be even faster =)  Information about this format -   --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into the friendly groomers community on ...

Tutorial about how to export and render the new Ornatrix 3ds max .vrscene in V-Ray Standalone?

Ornatrix 3ds max tutorial In this video we will talk about the new Ornatrix 6.2.3 in which was added a new format for export - Ornatrix V-Ray (.vrscene). We will learn how to export hair to this format by using an example of a simple scene and render it in V-Ray Next StandAlone using the GPU. The difference between this format and the usual .vrscene is that it allows you to faster export the all necessary information and it is specially created for Ornatrix. More Ornatrix tutorials here  →