
Showing posts with the label vray 5 gpu

GIGABYTE AERO 15 OLED YD: V-Ray 5 Benchmark. Part 1/NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop(16Gb)

  This is the fifth episode about my GIGABYTE AERO 15 OLED YD( ) laptop and in this episode I test V-Ray 5 Benchmark in different modes and also do a render test of the first two scenes with RTX ON/OFF on the GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop with 16GB of video memory/CPU - i9-11980HK. The speed gain on these scenes is 30%-56%, which saves enough animation rendering time. In V-Ray 5 Benchmark - there are 3 options: ➡️Just V-Ray - testing the CPU ➡️V-Ray GPU CUDA is RTX OFF on the GPU ➡️V-Ray GPU RTX - RTX ON In this video, I tested a scene I'm currently working on for Samir Mir's character -   Its WIPS can be seen here -   And the second scene is the already well-known dog, which I did back in 2019.   Of course this is only the head, since I'm still preparing a full body to render, since the final sc...

V-Ray 5 GPU. Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink.

  I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI + NVLink. I showed only the option with CUDA because there is a bug in RTX that slows down the rendering of hair by 3 times. I wrote about this here on the forum - This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! More tests - http...

Vray 5 Beta 3ds max. NVLINK test. 400 million polys rendered! Not instances on 2x2080TI

This is a fast test with new ChaosGroup V-Ray 5 Beta and 400 million polys on 2x2080Ti + NVLink test in 3ds Max.