
Showing posts with the label speed tree

SpeedTree Cinema 8. Collisions and Clusters. Anchor Points.

SpeedTree Cinema 8. About collisions and clusters. Anchor Points and leaves on the branches texture. We talk about how to remove collisions and create clusters to optimize the tree for engines. Learn to adjust the growth of leaves on the texture with the branch and will add Anchor Points.

Environment Creation 1.2. SpeedTree Cinema 8 leaves. HandDrawing mode. Megascans leaves.

In this lesson we will learn how to add leaves, edit them with a special editor. Make your meshes of leaves from the Megascans texture. Customize low and highpoly geometry for them. Will learn how to draw trees in HandDrawing mode.

Environment Creation. Chapter 1.1. Introduction to the SpeedTree Cinema 8

Basic SpeedTree Cinema 8 tutorial. In this lesson you will learn how to create a base tree with foliage from the megascans. How to draw and edit trees. What to consider when importing into 3dsmax and when exporting from SpeedTree.

The creation of an environment for the project "The Forester". Part 3.
