
Showing posts with the label quixel mixer

Quixel mixer landscape texturing tutorial. Render in 3ds Max and FStorm

Creating a frozen mountains. Part 2.          In this part we will talk:  - about how to create material in Quixel Mixer, which includes different textures assigned by masks. - How to export all this material to Quixel Bridge and import into 3ds Max. - about how to render the landscape in FStorm and create a basic atmosphere, about which we will continue to talk in the 3rd part.

Quixel Mixer 2019.2. How to create stylized stones in the sand with new features?

Quixel Mixer - this is an universal software for creating materials and textures. In this video, I will teach you to make a stylized stones in the sand, as in the same CrashBandicoot or Spyro, and in any stylized game. I think those who are fond of stylization will immediately recognize this style of presenting materials and textures. Also show a new items in the Pattern Generator, new filters and blending modes.

Quixel Mixer Asset. Part 5

Quixel Mixer - this is an universal software for creating materials and textures. In this tutorial series, you will learn how to make sculpting in 3D-Coat, then export a 32-bit Dispacement map and work with it in the Quixel Mixer to create materials, textures, etc. After that - you will learn how to export your model to the different offline and real-time renders. In this part - I continue to show - how to sculpt details for the displacement map in 3D Coat, as well as how to work with different tools.

Quixel Mixer stylized rocks and grass in 10 minutes with procedure material.

Quixel Mixer tutorial about creation of stylized procedure texture. In this video you will learn how to create such a texture with which you can get a variety of stylized stones, rocks, and so on + stylized grass with different layers. Playlist with other Making of

Quixel Mixer Asset. Part 4.

Sculpting windows in 3D Coat for displacement maps in Quixel Mixer. In this video, I continue to show how to sculpt details for a displacement map in 3D Coat, as well as how to work with the new Curves tool.

World Creator 2.1.0. Quick sketch for concept art. Texturing in Quixel Mixer. Octane Render.

In this video, you will learn how to use WorldCreator 2 to quickly create a landscape concept, Quixel Mixer - to texture it with material scans, and Octane Render - to quickly render the entire concept for further drawing.

Export EXR file from 3D-Coat to create a brush in Quixel Mixer. Texturing an asset.

In this video, we’ll continue the discussion about creating a special EXR file for exporting to Quixel Mixer and getting a brush for a sculpture from it. And also I'll demonstrate a complex asset, on which we will work in the following parts.

3D-Coat. Create the sculpt brush for Quixel Mixer.

In this video we will talk about the sculpt brush creation in the 3D-coat for the Quixel Mixer.

Quixel Mixer. Creation of PBR material with displacement in 3D-Coat.

In this video, we will talk about using 3D-Coat to create a Displacement map with PBR material without UV and retopology, as well as importing this material into Quixel Mixer.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Final. Railclone plugin and render with Vray Next.

This is the final part of the tutorial about Quixel Mixer and in it we'll talk about yet another plugin for creating roads in Unreal Engine 4, and also go to the 3dsmax and we will use RailClone, VrayNext and VertexPaint to create and render the road.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 5. Blend Material creation in Unreal Engine 4

In this video, we will talk about the creation of Blend Material in UE4 by using the Megascans plugin and will paint  on RGB channels using Vertex Paint Mode. Also, we'll look at the water surface settings, resize the assets in the Quixel Mixer and re-export them to the Unreal Engine 4.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 4. Export into Unreal Engine 4.

In this video, we'll talk about exporting in Unreal Engine 4 by using Quixel Bridge . Speak about the settings of Instance and Master materials. Add Distance Based Tessellation to improve the performance of the Displacement map working in the distance.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 3. Сreation of the damaged asphalt with puddles.

In this video we will talk about the creation of the damaged road with puddles.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 2. Fresh Asphalt surface. Street decals.

Adding a fresh asphalt surface. Decals of stripes marking and sidewalk. Customize export to Bridge. Surface and decals settings.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 1. Introduction.

In this video, I'm talking about the new Quixel Mixer and Bridge. I show the program interface and the basic settings. Also, I am talking about the import of PBR material from the Poliigon website.