
Showing posts with the label уроки по nvil

NVIL. Symmetry Tool and how to use it in the retopology creation.

In this video we will talk about the retopology of symmetrical objects.

NVIL. Weld and Collapse Tools. The retopology of the cylindrical surface.

In this video we will talk about Weld and Collapse Tools, and also about the retopology of cylindrical  surface.

NVIL. Different topology. Inset and Bridge tools. Patches creation.

In this video we will talk about creating different types of topology, about the Inset and Bridge tools. And also talk about the magic tool for creating the patches.

NVIL. Guides clone, Move, Rotation ans Scale. Bridge tool between guides and edges.

In this video we will talk about guides transform tools. clone tool and Bridge between guides and polygon edges.

NVIL. Closing of the line. Circularize. Separation and joining. Vertex relax.

In this video we will speak about the closing of the line, the Circularize tool to create a circular guide shape, the separation and joining, and the relaxation of the vertexes after the retopology.

NVIL. Add mesh to the Retopo Reference List. Draw Mesh tool and drawing guides.

In this video, we'll talk about adding mesh to the Retopo Reference List, about the new awesome tool for retopology which named Draw Mesh Tool and drawing guides by using a Draw mode in it. We will set the snaping on vertexes, we will assign the material for the retopo object's. Let's analyze the ways of drawing lines in a straight line and diagonally, and also construct new guides from the points obtained at the intersection. Let's try the AutoWeld tool in action.

NVIL. Modeling tools and shortcut keys for them.

In this video we will talk about modeling tools which will be useful in the retopology.

NVIL. Interface installation. Hot keys and display modes.

In this video, we'll talk about installing Nvil, importing models for retopology, hotkeys and navigation.