
Showing posts with the label corona skin

Corona skin shader. The secret to creating realistic skin in Corona Renderer 1.7

In this video, we'll talk about the new shader for rendering realistic skin - Corona Skin Mtl.

Convert a scene from Vray to Corona Renderer. Corona Hair and Corona Skin materials.

In this video I show the conversion of a scene from Vray to Corona Renderer. Adjusting the Corona Hair and Corona Skin material, editing the normal map and rendering on our farm.

Making of "The Forester". Part 4

In this video, I show the process of adjusting the skin and hair in the new Corona Render 1.7, as well as the retopology of some objects in 3d-Soat, texturing in the Substance Painter and setting up materials in the Corona render. Show using the textures for scuffs and dirt from the site Poliigon, as well as creating chains using the script BraidedHair. Combing the hair and fur in Ornatrix. Rendered on the farm. ( 2*Xeon e5 2670 56Gb RAM)