
Showing posts with the label substance alchemist

Substance Alchemist to Octane Render in 3ds Max. Tutorial for beginners.

Creating a PBR tiled metal material from a single photo in Substance Alchemist and its rendering in Octane Render for 3ds Max.          In this video we will talk about how: - create tiled PBR material from an one photo - export it - import by using Substance Plugin - render by using Octane Render and 3ds Max         More tutorials: - Octane Render → - 3ds Max → - Substance Alchemist →            Video Content: 0:00 - Information about the subtitles 0:05 - Tutorial theme 0:32 - About the texture with which we will work 0:56 - Creating PBR material in Substance Alchemist 4:28 - Equalizer filter to adjust the texture light and shadows 5:30 - Tiling Filter to create a tile texture. 7:33 - Dust Filter for dirt and dust. 8:37 - Paint Filter to create paint 10:01 - Rust Filter for rust effect 12:29 - Saving and exp...