
Showing posts with the label realtime hair

Ornatrix UE 5: Create/Delete Brushes for Metahuman hairstyle in Unreal Engine 5

  In this video I demonstrate the Create/Delete brushes for creating hair in Ornatrix Unreal Engine 5 - for the Metahuman character. This is a quick tutorial and here - I didn't set out to create a complete AAA-quality hairstyle. The purpose of this video is to show basic tools with which you can experiment. Because a full lesson from start to finish - requires more time and of course it must be with my comments. As you can see with the hair for Commander - it takes a long time, and I just can't wait to show you the work in Unreal Engine. Naturally I will create full-fledged tutorials with comments, but a little bit later. Nevertheless - after watching this video, you'll already learn how to use Create/Delete brushes and you'll be able to get your first hairstyles. By the way, share what you get in the comments (link to WIP, artstation and so on). I'd love to see your results. With these brushes - you can draw or remove hair - by selecting a character's head...

Ornatrix/Maya: Instructions for the scene to work with HairCards.

  This is a video tutorial for a scene I posted on ARTSTATION because subscribers asked for it. You can buy the scene here It will be more useful to those who are just beginning their journey - in Realtime hair grooming and still afraid to dive into the maze of Coiffure.  The scene includes - sliced haircards from textures + all the maps needed for Unreal, Marmoset and so on...  All you have to do is to start creating hair planes from this preset. I showed you how to do it approximately in this video tutorial.  Also - you can watch all the material in this playlist As my subscribers have shown - the lessons in this playlist are enough to start making your own HairCards =) About Branching in 3ds Max - you can watch this video Just a reminder that you can become a channel sponsor and get a 95% discount - on all my assets, voiceovers in another language, etc. It's enough to do it here Also, if this is your first time on this channel, I recommend watching its trailer ---...

Alfred Hitchcock – Vertigo | My 3D Groom Concepts: Ornatrix/Maya | Microids & Pendulo Studios

  In this video I talk about the game Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo by Microids & Pendulo Studios, which was released on December 16, 2021 and in its creation - I also participated as an R&D Concept Groomer. For the game I did 3d Hair Concept Art. That is, my task was - to create a 3d groom concept hairstyles for Ed, Nick, Ed Young and Julia, as well as - offer a workflow that can be used for the game. That is, HairCards for the Unity engine. But since I don't work in it, I showed all the workflow in Marmoset Toolbag. My work was used as a reference for further integration into the game. This has already been done in the team by other 3D-Artists.   Specifically: ➡️Javi Muñoz González   - Ed, Julia, Nick ➡️Samuel Ortiz   - EdKid First I show my 3D-Groom concepts, and then I demonstrate how it looks in the game.  --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as s...

Alembic Hair Creation Process (Realtime) - Series 7-20 - 14 Hours

Hello everybody! This video pack includes all WIPs that I recorded on Patreon , but due to a leak I decided to post it on the channel. There is no usual editing, voice acting and so on ... Somewhere I didn't even insert music, because I didn't waste time on it. The essence is simple. I continue to record the process of creating a hairstyle for the Unreal engine (Groom Plugin - Alembic Hair), which I will then use as a reference for creating haircards. And since Alembic is now gaining popularity, models are being sold and so on, I decided to cover two topics at once - in one project. When I create an asset for myself, there are three stages to it. 1. Sculpted hair shape 2. Hair for rendering - as a reference and for Unreal Alembic Hair 3. Create haircards. This includes preparing the texture and the process itself. In fact, all episodes from 7 to 20 are a large 14-hour stream, but I decided to divide it into parts, since it is easier to process the material and upload it to Yout...

Ornatrix/3ds Max: Branching workflow for realtime hair cards.

  In this video I show you a revolutionary method (ornatrix branching) for editing haircards for games. Its essence lies in the fact that having different layers - we create one object that manages all layers and allows combing and editing at once - as if it were one whole object. Also, Branching allows you to replace any hair card with another - for a dedicated guide or group - at any time. For this task - I will be using 3ds Max and Ornatrix. It is which allows - to create several layers with different haircards and one base object with which we will manage them. Thanks to this, editing the hairstyle becomes more convenient than during the usual manual creation of haircards.   ---   PATREON:   If you want to get all the lessons with my voice acting as soon as possible, do not wait for the release of each episode for years, and also plunge into the friendly groomers community in Discord + receive feedback on work, answers to questions about grooming - then support m...