Answers to various questions about CG Grooming - in Ornatrix for Maya/3ds Max/V-ray/Unreal.Episode 7
In this video, I continue to answer various questions about CG Grooming in Ornatrix for Maya/3ds Max/Unreal Engine. I was recording these answers from January 28 to February 17 and have only now gotten around to posting them on the channel. The question about hair sculpting will be in the next episode. What questions are answered in this episode? ➡️Will Alembic Hair be actively used in Unreal Engine 5 and FrostByte? Will it be in the games? How's it going with Ornatrix for Unreal Engine? ➡️How do you attach the hair to a different pose - after exporting when the character wasn't originally in that pose? ➡️How do I properly style long curly hair behind the ears? ➡️Does 3ds Max + Ornatrix slow down while using maps in the "Distribution Map" slot - in HairFromGuides? How are things going with Ornatrix 3ds Max optimization on Dense Mesh? ➡️How do I use the combination of 3ds Max + Ornatrix + Vray? What are the best render settings to use? What settings should I use for ...