
Showing posts with the label maya ornatrix

Ornatrix Features #1-38

 Hello everyone! This is the first pack with Ornatrix Features which I recently uploaded to my Youtube. Ornatrix Features #1 - Creating braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool(Maya) Ornatrix Features #2 - Creating Braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool (3ds Max) Ornatrix Features #3 - Creating braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool (Cinema 4D) Ornatrix Features #4 - Parting Brush(Maya) Ornatrix features #5 - Frizz for Clumping Group. Ornatrix features #6 - Hair coloring by Vertex in Maya. Ornatrix features #7 - The hair removal brush in Maya. Ornatrix Features #8 - Drawing HairMesh in Maya. Ornatrix Features #9 - Exporting groups from Maya to 3ds Max/Cinema4D. Ornatrix Features #10 - Propagating Dreadlocks across the surface of the volume with Scatter in Maya Ornatrix Features #11 - Push Away From Mesh for Edit Guides in Maya. Ornatrix Features #12 - Auto Push Away From Mesh for Edit Guides in Maya. Ornatrix Features #13 - PushAwayFromMesh modifier in Maya. Ornatrix Features #14 - Diff...

Ornatrix Features #10 - Propagating Dreadlocks across the surface of the volume with Scatter in Maya

  In this episode, I show how to propagate dreadlocks across the surface of any object using Scatter in Ornatrix for Maya. It is very convenient when you can make one dread, then create guides and spread it over them with the Scatter modifier.  ---  CONTENTS: 0:00 - Showing that there is one dreadlock. 0:11 - Using Scatter, I multiply it by object. 0:19 - Since there are guides - you can comb them and do whatever you want. In this video, I didn't show how to do ground and other settings. For that - I will release a separate and detailed video. Similar to the one with the braids in each host.  --- The purpose of the serial is to quickly show something interesting and useful related to this plugin.  I do not spend time on the voiceover, as there are already basic lessons - which also need to do =) But since - I do not upload them very often, need to do something else - to grow the channel. --- CHANNEL SUPPORT: If you like what I'm doing, I'd love any support from ...

Answers to various questions about CG Grooming - in Ornatrix for Maya/3ds Max/V-ray/Unreal.Episode 7

 In this video, I continue to answer various questions about CG Grooming in Ornatrix for Maya/3ds Max/Unreal Engine. I was recording these answers from January 28 to February 17 and have only now gotten around to posting them on the channel. The question about hair sculpting will be in the next episode. What questions are answered in this episode?  ➡️Will Alembic Hair be actively used in Unreal Engine 5 and FrostByte? Will it be in the games? How's it going with Ornatrix for Unreal Engine? ➡️How do you attach the hair to a different pose - after exporting when the character wasn't originally in that pose? ➡️How do I properly style long curly hair behind the ears? ➡️Does 3ds Max + Ornatrix slow down while using maps in the "Distribution Map" slot - in HairFromGuides? How are things going with Ornatrix 3ds Max optimization on Dense Mesh? ➡️How do I use the combination of 3ds Max + Ornatrix + Vray? What are the best render settings to use? What settings should I use for ...

Ornatrix features #7 - The hair removal brush in Maya.

  In this episode, I show the brush that can be used to remove hair in Ornatrix for Maya. It is convenient to use for both normal hair and sculpted hair. Personally, I recommend turning off MeshFromStrands during removal - to optimize the viewport. ---  CONTENTS: 0:00 - Selecting a brush and demonstrating how it works. 0:19 - Turning off MeshFromStrands modifier - in order to optimize viewport. Unfortunately, Maya is very bad with dense mesh when it comes to modifiers, some Deformers and so on. So it can hardly be optimized. That's why it's better to turn it off - when you're working with a brush. --- The purpose of the series - quickly show something interesting and useful related to this plugin.  I do not spend time on the voiceover, as there are already basic lessons - which also need to do =) But since - I do not upload them very often, need to do something else - to grow the channel. --- CHANNEL SUPPORT: If you want to support this channel, then throw your donations ...

How to export a scene with Ornatrix hair in Vray .vrscene from Maya and render it in 3ds Max?

  In this video I show you how to export the created hairstyle Ornatrix Maya/V-Ray Renderer in .vrscene format and render it without Ornatrix - in 3ds Max or Cinema 4D.   Very often - I was asked for such a possibility, because not always clients in the same Cinema4D or 3ds Max - want to buy Ornatrix, and it is necessary to render in it. In Cinema4D - did not show, because I do not have a V-Ray license for it. But =) The principle is the same. You just select the V-Ray Scene object and load the scene. By the way, this method allows you to render scenes faster and saves GPU memory. And if you render via Batch, as I showed here -   it will be even faster =)  Information about this format -   --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into the friendly groomers community on ...

Maya/Ornatrix/Arnold: How to export into USD and render in Cinema4D/3ds Max?

  In this video, I show how to export the created hairstyle Ornatrix Maya/Arnold Renderer 7 in .usd format and render without having Ornatrix - in 3ds Max and Cinema 4D.   Very often - I was asked for such a possibility, because customers in the same Cinema4D or 3ds Max - not always want to buy Ornatrix, and need to render without it. --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into the friendly groomers community on Discord + get feedback on work, answers to questions about grooming - then support me on Patreon -  --- OTHER LESSONS: - Ornatrix Cinema 4D →   - Ornatrix Maya →   - Ornatrix 3ds Max →   - Octane →   - Arnold →   - Redshift →   - Fstorm →   - V-R...