Ornatrix Features #1-38

Hello everyone! This is the first pack with Ornatrix Features which I recently uploaded to my Youtube. Ornatrix Features #1 - Creating braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool(Maya) Ornatrix Features #2 - Creating Braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool (3ds Max) Ornatrix Features #3 - Creating braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool (Cinema 4D) Ornatrix Features #4 - Parting Brush(Maya) Ornatrix features #5 - Frizz for Clumping Group. Ornatrix features #6 - Hair coloring by Vertex in Maya. Ornatrix features #7 - The hair removal brush in Maya. Ornatrix Features #8 - Drawing HairMesh in Maya. Ornatrix Features #9 - Exporting groups from Maya to 3ds Max/Cinema4D. Ornatrix Features #10 - Propagating Dreadlocks across the surface of the volume with Scatter in Maya Ornatrix Features #11 - Push Away From Mesh for Edit Guides in Maya. Ornatrix Features #12 - Auto Push Away From Mesh for Edit Guides in Maya. Ornatrix Features #13 - PushAwayFromMesh modifier in Maya. Ornatrix Features #14 - Diff...