
Showing posts with the label 3d уроки

World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.

World Creator 2 - a unique and powerful landscape generator worked on GPU in Real-time. In this video I will talk about how: - Import material or 3d object from Quixel Megascans library - Use Area tool for filters, textures and objects - Sculpt the landscape - Import displacement from GoogleMaps - Mix multiple Displacement maps - Texturing them - Plant trees on a specific area and optimizes the viewport to work with this workflow - Draw with custom masks and create a mask for grass growth.

Substance Designer 2018. Tile Generator Settings.

Substance Designer 2018. Part 5 In this part we will talk about the settings of the "Tile Generator" node

3D-Coat. Making of creature and render it in Corona Renderer. Part 2.

Creating a monster in 3D-Coat and rendering in Corona Renderer - without UV and retopology. Part 2.

Ornatrix Maya. Curves From Strands. Width guides. Smooth and comfortable combing in Maya.

In this video we will talk about converting guides to splines by using Curves From Strands operator and exporting these splines to the 3dsmax. Compare the results in the 3dsmax and Maya viewport. We will also talk about conveniently combing guides in Maya, setting their width in Viewport and smoothing them.

NVIL. Symmetry Tool and how to use it in the retopology creation.

In this video we will talk about the retopology of symmetrical objects.

Poliigon PBR-material. Add surface imperfections and normal blend. Render in Vray Next Maya.

In this video, we will talk about adding surface imperfections to the tile that was setuped in the first part, and also about blending the normal maps and the glossiness textures to make our material more realistic.

Quixel Mixer. Creation of PBR material with displacement in 3D-Coat.

In this video, we will talk about using 3D-Coat to create a Displacement map with PBR material without UV and retopology, as well as importing this material into Quixel Mixer.

NVIL. Weld and Collapse Tools. The retopology of the cylindrical surface.

In this video we will talk about Weld and Collapse Tools, and also about the retopology of cylindrical  surface.

Why I've switched to Ornatrix for Maya. Demonstration of Viewport 2.0 and HairPhysicalShader

In this video, we’ll talk about why I switched to Ornatrix for Maya and there will be a demonstration of how Hair Physical Shader and Viewport 2.0 works.

Substance Designer 2018. Three options to add nodes.Comments, Frames and Pins for work organisation.

In this video we will talk about hot keys for working with nodes. About navigation in 2D and 3D-View. Set up the workspace and analyze 3 options for adding nodes to the Graph Network, as well as learn how to change the visual appearance of the node connection. Learn the menu of the right mouse button and convenient organization of the working space.

Poliigon PBR - material. Setup this material in Vray Next for Maya.

In this video we will talk about the new Vray Next for Maya and Poliigon PBR material.

Substance Designer. Interface. Navigation. Link types for nodes in the Graph Editor.

In this video we will talk about the program interface, navigation and hotkeys, as well as the types of connections for nodes.

World Creator 2. Filter Distribution Properties. Mixing types. Flatten and Noise filters.

In this video we will talk about Filter Distribution Properties, Blending Operations, Noise, Height, Slope and Angle Select options. About Relative to Ocean option. About viewport optimization during working with filters with MultiFrame Generation option and about two filters - Flatten and Noise.

World Creator 2. Seamless. Fractal Noise. Edit Curve. Filters and Toggle Heatmaps option.

In this video we will talk about Seamless, Fractal Noise Properties, Edit Curve, Edit Offsets, Filters tab and the first filter in it - Curve Filter, and also about the Toogle Heatmaps to display a visual map of the effect of filters on the terrain.

NVIL. Closing of the line. Circularize. Separation and joining. Vertex relax.

In this video we will speak about the closing of the line, the Circularize tool to create a circular guide shape, the separation and joining, and the relaxation of the vertexes after the retopology.

Convert a scene from Vray to Corona Renderer. Corona Hair and Corona Skin materials.

In this video I show the conversion of a scene from Vray to Corona Renderer. Adjusting the Corona Hair and Corona Skin material, editing the normal map and rendering on our farm.

Environment Creation 1.2. SpeedTree Cinema 8 leaves. HandDrawing mode. Megascans leaves.

In this lesson we will learn how to add leaves, edit them with a special editor. Make your meshes of leaves from the Megascans texture. Customize low and highpoly geometry for them. Will learn how to draw trees in HandDrawing mode.

Creating a simple explosion in Houdini and Redshift. Timelapse.

Making of my first explosion in Houdini, which I created from a standard PyroFX preset with editing some settings that you can see in this video.

Environment Creation. Chapter 1.1. Introduction to the SpeedTree Cinema 8

Basic SpeedTree Cinema 8 tutorial. In this lesson you will learn how to create a base tree with foliage from the megascans. How to draw and edit trees. What to consider when importing into 3dsmax and when exporting from SpeedTree.

World Creator 2. The creation of a fantasy world. Part 2 #Corona #Megascans #3dCoat #3dsmax

The continuation of the 1st part of creating a fantasy world for the project "The Forester". This video shows the process of setting up of the fog, modeling the clouds in 3D-Coat, setting their shader in Corona Render and the render on our farm For the fast rendering I used: 4*Dual Xeon e5 2670 2,6 GHz - 128 Threads + 1 Intel Core i7 4930K 3,4 Ghz 12 Threads. Render time - 58min. Noise - 3% - enough for the final image By the way, who will give the promo code - cgevent to our managers - will receive a 15% discount for render.