
Showing posts with the label corona render

3D-Coat. Making of creature and render it in Corona Renderer. Part 2.

Creating a monster in 3D-Coat and rendering in Corona Renderer - without UV and retopology. Part 2.

Corona skin shader. The secret to creating realistic skin in Corona Renderer 1.7

In this video, we'll talk about the new shader for rendering realistic skin - Corona Skin Mtl.

World Creator 2. The creation of a fantasy world. Part 2 #Corona #Megascans #3dCoat #3dsmax

The continuation of the 1st part of creating a fantasy world for the project "The Forester". This video shows the process of setting up of the fog, modeling the clouds in 3D-Coat, setting their shader in Corona Render and the render on our farm For the fast rendering I used: 4*Dual Xeon e5 2670 2,6 GHz - 128 Threads + 1 Intel Core i7 4930K 3,4 Ghz 12 Threads. Render time - 58min. Noise - 3% - enough for the final image By the way, who will give the promo code - cgevent to our managers - will receive a 15% discount for render.

World Creator 2. The creation of a fantasy world. Part 1 #Corona #Megascans #3dCoat #3dsmax

Continue to create the worlds for the project "The Forester". In this video I show the process of creating the world in the World Creator 2. Then export maps and masks in the 3dsmax. Render in Corona, as well as create clouds and fog in 3d-Coat. Also I show the download Megascans materials and their use in conjunction with the resulting masks from the World Creator 2.

Making of "The Forester". Part 4

In this video, I show the process of adjusting the skin and hair in the new Corona Render 1.7, as well as the retopology of some objects in 3d-Soat, texturing in the Substance Painter and setting up materials in the Corona render. Show using the textures for scuffs and dirt from the site Poliigon, as well as creating chains using the script BraidedHair. Combing the hair and fur in Ornatrix. Rendered on the farm. ( 2*Xeon e5 2670 56Gb RAM)