
Showing posts with the label blender 2.8 octane

World Creator 2 to Blender 2.81. Render in Octane. 3D-Coat/Teya Conceptor clouds.

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a mountainous landscape with procedural textures in World Creator 2. - Then we export all the necessary maps to Blender 2.81. - Fix a bug with Displacement on non-tiled landscapes. - Add clouds using Teya Conceptor and 3D-Coat. - Learn how to create haze or fog in Octane Render, and also make overpaint on top of the render using Photodonut and get an artistic render.      More tutorials: - World Creator 2 → - Blender → - Octane → - Teya Conceptor →      Video content: 0:01 - Greetings and lesson topics. 0:39 - Creating a procedural landscape in World Creator 2. 2:28 - Filters: Canyon, Sediment Complex, Hills, Hydro Simulation. 6:24 - How to turn off the display of shadows. 6:36 - Changing the position of the sun. 7:27 - Creating procedural textures 19:03 - Export textures 20:12 - Creating a n...

Blender 2.8 tutorial for beginner. Octane render volumetric lighting. Scattering Medium

Blender 2.8 tutorial for beginner. Part 3 In this video, I continue to talk about Blender 2.8 and Octane Render.          In this part we will talk: - About how to make volumetric light by using "Scattering Medium" - How to make color volumetric light - How to make lighting by using stained glass   All Blender 2.8 tutorials  →          

Blender 2.8 tutorial for beginner. Octane render interactive clouds. Metaballs

Blender 2.8 tutorial for beginner. Part 2 In this video, I continue to talk about Blender 2.8 and Octane Render.         In this part we will talk about:

Blender 2.8 beginner tutorial. Free Octane Render and first impressions. Addons.

In this video, we'll talk about the new Blender 2.8 and official free octane render. The only limitation in it is the ability to render with only one video card. This is a lesson for beginners and I think that everyone can learn something useful from it. The installation of Blender 2.8 was inspired by Andrew Price and Blender Guppy. After 3 days work in it - I wanted to record this video and share my emotions. I'm planning to record a series of lessons about the  Blender 2.8 and addons, which I find useful in my work. More tutorials with Blender 2.8 will be here  →