
Showing posts with the label уроки по world creator

World Creator 3. Pre Alpha. Experiments #2

  The process of creating a landscape in World Creator 3. Pre-Alpha. Experiments. Part 2. This is a video without editing. Like a live stream in a previous part. But here I didn't record a full process of the creation. This is just an experiment after when I created this world. In the next part, I will record again the full creation process, don't worry =) WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: It is a PRE-ALPHA version. That means, it is not a fully functional version and it has not all features included that the BETA or final version will have. Please be aware, that the PRE-ALPHA version only has a very limited amount of features included of World Creator 3 - some of these might be buggy for now. The UI, the workflow, and many other things might and will change for sure. This new major version is a huge milestone for us. It not only has a real-time path-tracer implemented for photo-real renders (as you work) but also we developed a new Erosion system which is faster than in World Creator 2...

World Creator 3. PRE-ALPHA.(25 aug 2020). First Impressions.

  World Creator 3 Alpha - first start and impressions Today, August 25, 2020 - the first closed alpha of World Creator 3 was released and I had a chance to try it and show you. This is just a LiveStream, so I won't create a subtitles... This will take so many time... I don't think they make sense here in them... Because this is just a showcase =) WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: It is a PRE-ALPHA version. That means, it is not a fully functional version and it has not all features included that the BETA or final version will have. Please be aware, that the PRE-ALPHA version only has a very limited amount of features included of World Creator 3 - some of these might be buggy for now. The UI, the workflow, and many other things might and will change for sure. This new major version is a huge milestone for us. It not only has a real-time path-tracer implemented for photo-real renders (as you work) but also we developed a new Erosion system which is faster than in World Creator 2...

World Creator 2. Environment Settings and how to add grass/caustics/volumetric clouds?

  World Creator 2 Tutorial Series. Part 11. In this video I will show you how: - add grass and adjust its drawing distance - adjust its color with a gradient - adjust its growth only on a certain texture - customize the change of day and night, sky color and atmosphere - add haze and fog - adjust the sun and moon - turn on the ocean and adjust caustics, sss, foam, as well as volumetric clouds and wind. More tutorials: - World Creator 2 → Video content: 0:00 - Tutorial topic. 0:53 - Details tab and adding grass. 1:34 - How to adjust the growth of grass only on the selected texture? 2:00 - Adjust a random color using a gradient. 2:25 - Draw range and border blur 5:00 - Adjust the color and display mode of the sky. 5:25 - Change of day and night 5:51 - Haze and fog settings 7:45 - Sun and Moon. 10:00 - Ocean. 13:08 - Foam. 14:12 - Caustic 15:56 - Volumetric clouds 18:42 - Wind 19:30 - Forrender Renderfarm 19:36 - Promo code for usi...

World Creator 2. Custom Base Shape and adding trees to the scene. Object parameters.

A tutorial about adding trees and other objects to World Creator 2. In this video I will show you how: - quickly customize the finished landscape from the standard preset - add trees - adjust their distribution relative to different areas of influence - make sure that they don't grow underwater or on the sand - set up a random color for each tree using Color Grading - rotate, scale them in random order

World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.

World Creator 2 - a unique and powerful landscape generator worked on GPU in Real-time. In this video I will talk about how: - Import material or 3d object from Quixel Megascans library - Use Area tool for filters, textures and objects - Sculpt the landscape - Import displacement from GoogleMaps - Mix multiple Displacement maps - Texturing them - Plant trees on a specific area and optimizes the viewport to work with this workflow - Draw with custom masks and create a mask for grass growth.

World Creator 2. Stylized Textures from the simulation. Export to Unreal Engine 4

Export stylized terrain with textures obtained during simulation from World Creator 2 to Unreal Engine 4. In this video I will tell: → how to create a landscape in World Creator 2. → how to generate textures using simulations → how to export this landscape to Unreal Engine 4 → how to set up Landscape Material

World Creator 2 tutorial. Frozen Terrain generation and texturing.

Creating a frozen mountains. Part 1.          In this part we will talk:  - About how to simply create a landscape by using a different filters in World Creator 2. - How to assign the textures and create masks for future use in Quixel Mixer. More tutorials with World Creator 2  →

World Creator 2. Smooth,Voronoi, Zero Edge and Path filters. Blending between filters.

In this video we will talk about blending between filters and about Smooth, Voronoi, Zero Edge and Path filters.

World Creator 2. Filter Distribution Properties. Mixing types. Flatten and Noise filters.

In this video we will talk about Filter Distribution Properties, Blending Operations, Noise, Height, Slope and Angle Select options. About Relative to Ocean option. About viewport optimization during working with filters with MultiFrame Generation option and about two filters - Flatten and Noise.

World Creator 2. Seamless. Fractal Noise. Edit Curve. Filters and Toggle Heatmaps option.

In this video we will talk about Seamless, Fractal Noise Properties, Edit Curve, Edit Offsets, Filters tab and the first filter in it - Curve Filter, and also about the Toogle Heatmaps to display a visual map of the effect of filters on the terrain.

World Creator 2. Custom Base shape. Selection tools. Action tools.

In this video, we'll talk about Custom Base Shape to create a custom landscape form.