
Showing posts with the label уроки по 3d

Ornatrix/3ds Max: How I make braids and fringe?

  In this series, I talk about what settings I use to create realistic braids using HairFromMeshStrips in Ornatrix and also show the rest of the modifiers to improve the result on rendering in 3ds Max + V-Ray.  I also talk about how I created the fringe and what tools I used. Creating Realistic Hair in Blender for Cycles Render -   15% OFF Coupon code: WFN15 If you find my videos USEFUL, you can express THANKS by supporting me on Boosty -   - for this you will receive a lot of exclusive material, which includes early video WIPs, ad-free lessons, model discounts, and many what is interesting.       More tutorials: - Ornatrix Cinema 4D →   - Ornatrix Maya →    - Ornatrix 3ds Max →   - Octane →   - Arnold →   - Redshift →   - Fstorm...

World Creator 3. Alpha.(build from 2 oct-2020) Experiments #4

  The process of creating a landscape in World Creator 3. Alpha. Experiments. Part 4. This is a video without editing. Like a live stream in a previous part. The main goal is to achieve something new, not from the real world, but looking not worse =) that is why I don't watch references =) This is like searching =)  Still missing a manual form editing, but this is still Alpha and I remember that =) Since 10 sep-2020 builds there are many updates and just watch the first minutes to understand what developers added =)  Then I show the making of another world from my imagination =)  Previous parts: * First impressions → * 1 → * 2 → * 3 → WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: It is a PRE-ALPHA version. That means, it is not a fully functional version and it has not all features included that the BETA or final version will have. Please be aware, that the PRE-ALPHA vers...

World Creator 2. Path filter settings. Shape filter, Distortion, Magnify, Pixelate, Swirl and others

In this video we will talk about Path and Shape filters settings and other filters in different tabs. Also we will speak about adding a water surface or texture to the path.

3D-Coat. Create the sculpt brush for Quixel Mixer.

In this video we will talk about the sculpt brush creation in the 3D-coat for the Quixel Mixer.

Ornatrix Maya. Curves From Strands. Width guides. Smooth and comfortable combing in Maya.

In this video we will talk about converting guides to splines by using Curves From Strands operator and exporting these splines to the 3dsmax. Compare the results in the 3dsmax and Maya viewport. We will also talk about conveniently combing guides in Maya, setting their width in Viewport and smoothing them.

PhoenixFD. Simulation of burning fuel. Explosion, dense smoke, dry ice and clouds in the box.

In this video, we will talk about simulations of burning fuel, explosions, dense smoke and dry ice, the simulation of clouds and PDPlayer, as well as the creation of a preview for it. Video content: 00:00 - 00:18 - Intro 00:18 - 3:00 - Simulation of burning fuel. Create a preview for PDPlayer. 3:00 - 4:42 - Simulation of a conventional explosion and a gasoline explosion. Creating additional light sources during the simulation to obtain interesting effects. 4:42 - 7:47 - Simulation of dense smoke which enveloping the surface of cylinders. The effect of dry ice. 8:50 - 9:54 - Simulating clouds inside a Box Primitive 9:54 - 10:16 - The ending. Video preview of other lessons. A subscription button, as well as a button for support on Patreon. If you like this video: ► Click on the “Thumb up” ► Subscribe to the channel to avoid missing new releases ► Share with friends - do not be greedy =) After all, they also want to get this knowledge =) Enjoy watching! ...

Substance Designer 2018. Bitmap node. Paint mode. Texture editor. Basic parameters.

In this video - we will talk about the Bitmap node and its creation options. Also we will look at the editor of textures and tools: Brush, Stamp, Eraser in it's toolkit. We will understand the settings of the brush and stamp. Talk about the basic settings of all nodes and the Output Size parameter, and also about what is the difference between Absolute and Relative to Parent. When you should use these modes.

NVIL. Symmetry Tool and how to use it in the retopology creation.

In this video we will talk about the retopology of symmetrical objects.

Poliigon PBR-material. Add surface imperfections and normal blend. Render in Vray Next Maya.

In this video, we will talk about adding surface imperfections to the tile that was setuped in the first part, and also about blending the normal maps and the glossiness textures to make our material more realistic.

Quixel Mixer. Creation of PBR material with displacement in 3D-Coat.

In this video, we will talk about using 3D-Coat to create a Displacement map with PBR material without UV and retopology, as well as importing this material into Quixel Mixer.

PhoenixFD. Preparing the scene for simulations. Fire preset. VrayGPU and Nvidia AI Denoiser

In this video we will prepare the scene for the simulation, apply the preset of fire. Watch how the simulation looks in PhoenixFD GPU Preferences and VrayGPU with Nvidia AI Denoiser.

How to create a Multi-Displacement map in the CoronaLayeredMtl?

In this video we will talk about how to create a Multi-Displacement in the CoronaLayeredMtl with CoronaMix, CoronaColor and Noise maps.

World Creator 2. Navigation, landscape and texture size. Tools.

In this video, we'll talk about navigation, changing the size of the terrain and texture, and a little bit about the right and left toolbars in World Creator 2.

Redshift для 3dsmax. Базовый курс. Часть 1

Первая часть обзора Redshift рендера для 3dsmax. Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей ака Charly и сегодня я представляю вам первую часть моего базового курса по Redshift, в которой разбираю его установку, методы рендеринга и способы борьбы с шумом на рендере В комментариях пишите пожелания, вопросы, темы уроков, которые вы хотели бы увидеть в новых выпусках и т.д и т.п

ForestPack. Базовый курс. Часть 1.

Обзор особенностей плагина и сравнение ForestPack Lite и ForestPack Pro Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей ака Charly и сегодня я представляю вам первую часть моего базового курса по ForestPack, в которой разбираю основные особенности плагина и сравниваю платную и бесплатную версии. Кстати, всех подписчиков хочу поздравить с наступающим Рождеством и Новым Годом! Если интересно, мое видео поздравление здесь --- В комментариях пишите пожелания, вопросы, темы уроков, которые вы хотели бы увидеть в новых выпусках и т.д и т.п

Ornatrix plugin. Базовый курс. Часть 4.2. Вторая часть обзора Hair From Guides.

Вторая часть обзора модификатора Ox Hair from Guides. Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей ака Charly и сегодня я представляю вам продолжение разбира настроек модификатора Hair From Guides.В комментариях пишите пожелания, вопросы, темы уроков, которые вы хотели бы увидеть в новых выпусках и т.д и т.п