
Showing posts with the label arnold gpu

Alembic Hair Creation Process (Realtime) - Series 7-20 - 14 Hours

Hello everybody! This video pack includes all WIPs that I recorded on Patreon , but due to a leak I decided to post it on the channel. There is no usual editing, voice acting and so on ... Somewhere I didn't even insert music, because I didn't waste time on it. The essence is simple. I continue to record the process of creating a hairstyle for the Unreal engine (Groom Plugin - Alembic Hair), which I will then use as a reference for creating haircards. And since Alembic is now gaining popularity, models are being sold and so on, I decided to cover two topics at once - in one project. When I create an asset for myself, there are three stages to it. 1. Sculpted hair shape 2. Hair for rendering - as a reference and for Unreal Alembic Hair 3. Create haircards. This includes preparing the texture and the process itself. In fact, all episodes from 7 to 20 are a large 14-hour stream, but I decided to divide it into parts, since it is easier to process the material and upload it to Yout...

Arnold 6 GPU. Hair render test on 2x2080ti+NVLink in 3ds Max. RTX ON

  I continue to record my tests on the GPU. This time I decided to test my recent project on 2x2080TI + NVLink. Shown a variant with RTX.  Standard GPU settings = 9 min. This video has no purpose to humiliate other renderings. I have already repeated this 100 times and will repeat it again. I'm just curious to check the performance of different renders in different situations - on my video cards. And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses. Therefore, I'm recording a series of videos - not just comparing each of them, but the individual tests of each render on specific scenes. Happy viewing! Other benchmarks -             Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter -

Ornatrix 3. "aiUserDataColor" attribute and RGB channels in Arnold Renderer.

In this tutorial, we’ll talk about the quick addition and removal of hair using the new tools in Ornatrix 3, learn how to color them using the Paint Tool, and also render this color using a special attribute in Arnold Render.

Procedural landscape in World Creator 2. Export to Cinema 4D and render in Arnold 6 GPU.

In this video we will talk: - about creating a rocky landscape in World Creator using different settings and filters, - about its texturing using procedural textures, - About exporting color and displacement map, - About importing this landscape into Cinema4D and rendering into Arnold Render 6 GPU. I also: - will teach you to imitate a light haze or fog, - will show how to do easy post-processing in Photoshop to get a more voluminous and atmospheric image.      More tutorials: - Arnold → - Cinema 4D → - World Creator →