
Showing posts with the label maya hair

Ornatrix/Maya grooming for character "Commander" from Samir Mir. Part 4

  This is the fourth episode about creating a hairstyle in Ornatrix Maya for the character "Commander", which was done by Samir Mir. In this video: ➡️ Showing the new HiddenGuideBehavior tool that was added to HairFromGuides ➡️ Showing the new "Hide Non-Selected" button in Edit Guides. ➡️ Continuing to work with the guides and improve the hair.

Fur creation in Ornatrix Maya.MASH scatter and creation of crushed grass. Arnold Render Maya.

In this tutorial - I show the creation of twisted hairstyle, eyebrows, eyelashes, fur in Ornatrix Maya.I show the use of Maya MASH for the scattering of grass, the final settings of Arnold Render for the rendering of fur and the render on our farm