
Showing posts with the label chaosgroup

How to work with Chaos Vantage? Animation, DoF, Hair, Interior. Final.

  ChaosGroup recently released a new update to their "Project Lavina" raytracing engine, now called "Chaos Vantage". In this video, I'll show you how: → Export scene to .vrscene format from 3ds max and import to "Chaos Vantage" → Adjust fog → Change lighting to "Physical Sun & Sky" → Enable "Depth of Field" → Render a picture with and without a denoiser. → Make camera animation or record video with actions from the viewport Also, in this series - I will demonstrate the work of the interior from Evermotion and since Chaos Vantage doesn't support hair from Ornatrix and V-Ray Hair Mtl - I will show you how to import it anyway - using one clever trick.      More tutorials: - Chaos Vantage →   - V-Ray →   - 3ds Max →        Video content: 0:00 - Switch on subtitles in another language 0:05 - Welcome and lesson topic. 0:49 - Channel support informatio...

How to work with LiveLink in 3ds Max + Chaos Vantage? 1 Series.

ChaosGroup recently released a new update to their Project Lavina raytracing engine, now called Chaos Vantage. In this video, I'll show you how: → Get a free license until June 2021. → Use LiveLink in 3ds Max I will also compare the performance of the V-Ray 5 GPU IPR and the new viewport in Chaos Vantage. More tutorials: - Chaos Vantage → - V-Ray → - 3ds Max → Video content: 0:00 - Greetings. Lesson topic. 0:27 - Important information about channel support 0:51 - What is "Chaos Vantage"? 1:20 - How to get a free license until June 2021? 1:56 - System Recommendations 3:17 - Installation, configuration, etc. 4:26 - Test of a simple scene and Chaos Vantage 3ds max live link. 6:10 - Test scene from Evermotion 8:07 - Comparison of V-Ray GPU IPR and Chaos Vantage IPR 11:23 - Forrender Renderfarm 11:30 - Promo code to use 15% lifetime discount on our render farm. 11:33 - Info-partners 11:35 - Ending and...

Phoenix FD. Ocean simulation and TyFlow object interaction. Octane Render.

In this video, I will show how to use the ocean simulation preset in PhoenixFD, activate interaction with the TyFlow object, and render it all in Octane Render. Part 5.

V-Ray GPU Next render test on 2080Ti, 1080Ti, i9 9900K, e5-1650v2 and 2 * e5-2667. Part 2

The second part of the V-Ray GPU Next test on 2080Ti and 1080Ti video cards, as well as i9 9900K, e5-1650v2 and 2 * e5-2667 CPU's in Autodesk 3ds Max. This time, "RTX ON" showed its best side. The increase in speed on the render is almost 2 times compared with the usual render on the 2080Ti without it. It is strange of course that the compilation time is much slower, and the funny thing is that 4 * 1080Ti compiles the scene much longer than even 1 * 1080Ti =) I don’t know why, but you will see it in the video yourself. Also in the video I answered the question - is it worth switching from a CPU-render to a GPU-render. By the number of passes - you can perfectly understand everything. And once again for everyone who asks for Ryzen and other hardware tests - I don't have it =) I am testing on what is available for me. If you want, you can join to this tests, download the scene and write your results in the comments.      More videos: - V-Ray  → http://bi...