
Showing posts with the label redshift render

Create cobwebs with KobVebs plugin in Maya and render with Redshift.

  A tutorial about rendering the cobwebs in Redshift with the KobVebs plugin in Maya. In this video we'll talk about how: → create a simple spider web from the drawn curves. → render the result in Redshift → create a spider web between meshes or polygons and the resulting spider strings. More tutorials: - Maya → - Redshift → Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:54 - Installing the KobVebs plugin 2:53 - Making a simple web 10:06 - Render in Redshift 12:52 - Cobweb on several spheres 14:44 - How to make a spider web between the selected polygons? Render the result 22:48 - Web creation modes 24:06 - Forrender Renderfarm 24:12 - Promo code to use a 15% lifetime discount on our render farm. 24:15 - Info-partners 24:18 - Ending and preview of other lessons. Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter - ★Facebook - https://www.faceboo...

Redshift Render Car Paint material in 3ds Max tutorial. Part 2

The next part about Redshift Car Paint shader in 3ds Max. In this part, we’ll talk about the density of the "Metalic Flakes" in car paint, about the Clear Coat Reflection settings, and of course, about the interesting methods of adding a bump map to create different types of paint. More tutorials with Redshift  →

Redshift hair settings. Part 2

Redshift Render tutorial about hair materials settings. Part 2. In this video we will talk about the setting of black, blue, gray, red, red hair, natural and dyed blonde, and also learn how to make a gradient overflow of different shades. Redshift playlist