Create cobwebs with KobVebs plugin in Maya and render with Redshift.
A tutorial about rendering the cobwebs in Redshift with the KobVebs plugin in Maya. In this video we'll talk about how: → create a simple spider web from the drawn curves. → render the result in Redshift → create a spider web between meshes or polygons and the resulting spider strings. More tutorials: - Maya → - Redshift → Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:54 - Installing the KobVebs plugin 2:53 - Making a simple web 10:06 - Render in Redshift 12:52 - Cobweb on several spheres 14:44 - How to make a spider web between the selected polygons? Render the result 22:48 - Web creation modes 24:06 - Forrender Renderfarm 24:12 - Promo code to use a 15% lifetime discount on our render farm. 24:15 - Info-partners 24:18 - Ending and preview of other lessons. Stay tuned for updates: ★Instagram - ★Twitter - ★Facebook - https://www.faceboo...