
Showing posts with the label render

Octane Render speed test with 4 billion polys(instances). 2x2080TI NVlink.

Since NVLink in Octane Render doesn't work with the test that it already did on V-Ray and Redshift, I decided to just check Instances and the speed of the new version. In principle, I think that the subsequent tests will already be done with Instance. Since, a few people use copies, and this was purely for interest, in order to take maximum GPU-memory. After all, then - I didn't come up with anything else =) As a result, Octane behaves calmly at 4 billion, I think, like other renders with Instance. But 3dsmax is buggy in statistics and goes into some obscure minuses.

FStorm Render. Render environment with clouds and atmosphere in 3ds Max tutorial.

Creation of frozen mountains. The final part.           In this part we will talk about how: - convert vdb to geometry by using V-Ray Volume Grid - customize cloud material - make clouds more realistic - make high-quality render volume scatter effects - fight with volume scatter bugs by using ray threshold. - render different lighting and atmosphere with clouds in FStorm            

Quixel mixer landscape texturing tutorial. Render in 3ds Max and FStorm

Creating a frozen mountains. Part 2.          In this part we will talk:  - about how to create material in Quixel Mixer, which includes different textures assigned by masks. - How to export all this material to Quixel Bridge and import into 3ds Max. - about how to render the landscape in FStorm and create a basic atmosphere, about which we will continue to talk in the 3rd part.