Working with Quixel Bridge, World Creator 2, and UE 4 in 2020. Tutorial for beginners.
Landscape creation in World Creator 2, export to Unreal Engine 4 and work with materials from Quixel Bridge - Megascans. The first part - In this part we will talk about how: - create a landscape in World Creator 2 with 4K textures. - experiment with filters and get the desired shape - optimize Viewport in World Creator for comfortable work on weak video cards - create multiple texture layers - add sand texture based on ocean level - import the created landscape into Unreal Engine 4 using two methods - import Megascans materials using Quixel Bridge - create a special function that allows you to draw these materials on the landscape - fight with tiling and create special parameters for this - configure displacement - increase memory in Texture Streaming Pool and fix Texture Streaming Pool Over *** Budget error. - export Split terrain from World Creator 2 - use World Compositor and Levels Tool in Unreal Engine 4 - import...