
Showing posts with the label quixel bridge

Working with Quixel Bridge, World Creator 2, and UE 4 in 2020. Tutorial for beginners.

Landscape creation in World Creator 2, export to Unreal Engine 4 and work with materials from Quixel Bridge - Megascans. The first part - In this part we will talk about how: - create a landscape in World Creator 2 with 4K textures. - experiment with filters and get the desired shape - optimize Viewport in World Creator for comfortable work on weak video cards - create multiple texture layers - add sand texture based on ocean level - import the created landscape into Unreal Engine 4 using two methods - import Megascans materials using Quixel Bridge - create a special function that allows you to draw these materials on the landscape - fight with tiling and create special parameters for this - configure displacement - increase memory in Texture Streaming Pool and fix Texture Streaming Pool Over *** Budget error. - export Split terrain from World Creator 2 - use World Compositor and Levels Tool in Unreal Engine 4 - import...

Working with Quixel Bridge and UE 4 in 2019. Tutorial for beginners.

Full details on how to use Quixel Bridge and Unreal Engine 4 in your work in 2019. Other Voice translations on my Channel in Playlists. In this part we will talk about how to: - import materials and create Blend Material from them - paint with different materials on the surface - import 3D asset to UE4 - import vegetation and paint with it on the surface - add the effect of wind on grass - turn on Raytracing and configure basic lighting in UE4 by using the HDRi Backdrop plugin - install Megascans plugin in UE 4.23      More tutorials:   - Quixel →   - Unreal Engine 4 →      Video Content: 0:00 - Information about other translations 0:05 - Tutorial theme 0:39 - Creating a project in Unreal Engine 4 and setting it up. 1:35 - Installing the Quixel Megascans plugin into Unreal Engine 4.23 2:22 - RTX ON 3:49 - Turning on the HDRi BackDrop plugin 5:09 - Collisions in Unreal Eng...

How to render Quixel Asset in 3ds Max + V-Ray Next GPU?

In this video, you will learn how to render Quixel Asset into 3dsmax by using a V-Ray Next GPU. I decided to record this video, because many people asked about this. If you like this video: ► Click on the “Thumb up” ► Subscribe to the channel to avoid missing new releases ► Share with friends - do not be greedy =) After all, they also want to get this knowledge =) Enjoy watching! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Charly. Production  Music  courtesy  of  Epidemic  Sound" #quixel #3dsmax #vraygpu

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 4. Export into Unreal Engine 4.

In this video, we'll talk about exporting in Unreal Engine 4 by using Quixel Bridge . Speak about the settings of Instance and Master materials. Add Distance Based Tessellation to improve the performance of the Displacement map working in the distance.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 2. Fresh Asphalt surface. Street decals.

Adding a fresh asphalt surface. Decals of stripes marking and sidewalk. Customize export to Bridge. Surface and decals settings.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 1. Introduction.

In this video, I'm talking about the new Quixel Mixer and Bridge. I show the program interface and the basic settings. Also, I am talking about the import of PBR material from the Poliigon website.