
Showing posts with the label 3d tutorials

Unreal Engine 4.26 + Brushify. Final Part.

  In this video, we continue setting up your world, which was created in Brushify + Unreal Engine 4 in the previous series. In this series, I will show you how to add palms, adjust roads, and displacement. It is final and I won't shoot anything with Brushify anymore. Why? I will explain in a separate video about the plans for 2021. A strong coup is coming on the channel. Get ready =) This video for Brushify is done without sound. Subtitles only. Thanks to this, as you can see, I released all the episodes very quickly.      More tutorials: - World Creator 2  →   - Unreal Engine 4 →   - Brushify →        Previous series: 1 -   2 -   3 -        Video content: 0:00 - Lesson topic. 0:18 - Important information for the develo...

World Creator 2. Area Tool and import Quixel Megascans.

World Creator 2 - a unique and powerful landscape generator worked on GPU in Real-time. In this video I will talk about how: - Import material or 3d object from Quixel Megascans library - Use Area tool for filters, textures and objects - Sculpt the landscape - Import displacement from GoogleMaps - Mix multiple Displacement maps - Texturing them - Plant trees on a specific area and optimizes the viewport to work with this workflow - Draw with custom masks and create a mask for grass growth.

Creating Real-time hair with Ornatrix Maya and Vray/Arnold. Part 3

A tutorial series about the creation of Real-time hair by using Ornatrix Maya and Vray / Arnold. Part 3.      Previous parts: - Part 1 - - Part 2 - In this part we will talk about:  - bake ROOT and ID in Arnold Render by using AOV's - bake ROOT, ID, AO in V-Ray in one pass by using ExtraTex Render Element - create a basic shape of eyebrows and their low-poly copy

Creating clouds in Teya Conceptor and Houdini. Export Vdb to 3ds max

Creation of frozen mountains. Part 3          In this part we will talk about how to: - create stylized clouds in Teya Conceptor - convert them to realistic ones inside Houdini - export them to Vdb format - import vbd into 3ds Max using VrayVolumeGrid     More tutorials with Teya Conceptor  →

Teya Conceptor. Part 3

Teya Conceptor - program for modeling in a few seconds from Arseny Korablev. Paint with brushes from a huge library, make your own from your models and use Teya in your work with other programs. In this video we will talk about the tool for creating bones, as well as creating a basic mushroom shape in Teya Conceptor and finalizing the concept in 3D-Coat to further create an organic brush.

How to render Quixel Asset in 3ds Max + V-Ray Next GPU?

In this video, you will learn how to render Quixel Asset into 3dsmax by using a V-Ray Next GPU. I decided to record this video, because many people asked about this. If you like this video: ► Click on the “Thumb up” ► Subscribe to the channel to avoid missing new releases ► Share with friends - do not be greedy =) After all, they also want to get this knowledge =) Enjoy watching! Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Charly. Production  Music  courtesy  of  Epidemic  Sound" #quixel #3dsmax #vraygpu

Zbrush Zmodeler. Polygon Actions. Part 2.

Zmodeler is a new brush that has appeared in Zbrush since version 4r7. This brush adds the ability to model directly in Zbrush. In this video we will talk about the tools - Crease, Delete, Equalize, Extrude, Flip Faces, Inflate, Insert NanoMesh, Insert Point and Insert Polyloops in Zbrush Zmodeler.

Railclone interface. Style Editor and Curve Steps option. Railclone object creation.

In this video we will talk about how to create a Railclone object. I’ll show the Railclone interface and the settings, and also talk about a few important options that will come in handy at the beginning.

Creation of the surrealistic environment in the 3D-Coat and render it in Renderman 21.

In this video, I show the sculpting process of the surrealistic world in 3D-Coat and render it in the Renderman 21. I've recorded this video a year ago. Then just added Renderman to 3D-Coat and I've set the task to create such a composition in 1 hour in order to understand the render and some 3D-Coat tools for quick speedsculpt in space.

Poliigon PBR material. Render in Vray Next with Vray.Cloud and script-converter in Maya.

In this video, we will talk about setting up V-Ray Displacement in Maya and rendering in Vray.Cloud. Let's learn how to quickly configure tiling for the all textures by using a single node and install a script converter for Maya, with which you can quickly download customized PBR materials from the Poliigon website.