
Showing posts with the label ornatrix cinema 4d

Ornatrix C4D: How to use Modify Roots option in Edit Guides?

In this video, I'll be discussing how to use the Modify Roots option(Edit Guides modifier) in Ornatrix for Cinema4D. This option allows you to modify hair roots, which can be useful when creating realistic hairstyles. I'll be demonstrating how to use this option in this small video. At the beginning of the video, I'll explain how to use Rotate with the Modify Roots option. Then, I'll demonstrate how to modify hair roots using various tools and settings. Towards the end of the video, I'll provide some tips on using the Modify Roots option in Ornatrix for Cinema4D. I'll also answer some frequently asked questions that may arise when working with this option. This video will be helpful for anyone working with Ornatrix for Cinema4D and looking to improve their hair styling creation skills. I hope you find this video informative and engaging, and can apply the new knowledge to your projects. ___ Become a channel sponsor and get a 15%, 50%, 100% discount on al...

Ornatrix Features #9 - Exporting groups from Maya to 3ds Max/Cinema4D.

  In this episode - I show the possibility of exporting Ornatrix groups - to any application. That is, if you work in Maya - you can export to 3ds Max or C4D. If in C4D - then in Maya/3ds Max, etc. Very handy when you want to save all settings by group in different modifiers. ---  CONTENTS: 0:00 - Showing that I already have different groups assigned in Ornatrix Maya. 0:13 - Making an export to Ornatrix Alembic. 0:40 - Selecting an axis for different applications. There is an error in the video. For C4D, also the Y axis. 1:52 - Importing into 3ds Max 2:28 - Import in Cinema4D. Just here you can see that the Z-axis does not fit. --- CHANNEL SUPPORT: If you like what I'm doing, I'd love any support from you: ➡️ Paypal ➡️ DonationAlert ---        OTHER LESSONS: ➡️Ornatrix Cinema 4D → ➡️Ornatrix Maya → ➡️Ornatrix 3ds Max → ➡️Octane → ➡️Arnold → ➡️Red...

Maya/Ornatrix/Arnold: How to export into USD and render in Cinema4D/3ds Max?

  In this video, I show how to export the created hairstyle Ornatrix Maya/Arnold Renderer 7 in .usd format and render without having Ornatrix - in 3ds Max and Cinema 4D.   Very often - I was asked for such a possibility, because customers in the same Cinema4D or 3ds Max - not always want to buy Ornatrix, and need to render without it. --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into the friendly groomers community on Discord + get feedback on work, answers to questions about grooming - then support me on Patreon -  --- OTHER LESSONS: - Ornatrix Cinema 4D →   - Ornatrix Maya →   - Ornatrix 3ds Max →   - Octane →   - Arnold →   - Redshift →   - Fstorm →   - V-R...

Ornatrix Features #3 - Creating braids with MeshFromStrands/BraidTool (Cinema 4D)

  In this video - I continue to show working with braids in Ornatrix.  This time - I show the same workflow about creating braids with MeshFromStrands and BraidTool modifiers, but only in Cinema 4D. With it - you can create procedural braids and draw them on the surface, at the same time - they will already have a UV, and if you want you can convert to real hair or haircards. In Cinema 4D, there is no Branching, just like in Maya. So if you want to create a few different braids, the approach is the same as there =)  The goal of the series is to quickly show something interesting and useful related to this plugin.  On the voiceover, I don't waste time, because there are already basic lessons - which also need to do =) But as - I do not upload them very often, I need to do something else - to develop the channel.  --- PATREON: If you want to get all the lessons with my voiceover as soon as possible, not wait years for each episode to come out, and also dive into t...