
Showing posts with the label megascans

Quixel Mixer stylized rocks and grass in 10 minutes with procedure material.

Quixel Mixer tutorial about creation of stylized procedure texture. In this video you will learn how to create such a texture with which you can get a variety of stylized stones, rocks, and so on + stylized grass with different layers. Playlist with other Making of

Quixel Mixer Asset. Part 4.

Sculpting windows in 3D Coat for displacement maps in Quixel Mixer. In this video, I continue to show how to sculpt details for a displacement map in 3D Coat, as well as how to work with the new Curves tool.

Export EXR file from 3D-Coat to create a brush in Quixel Mixer. Texturing an asset.

In this video, we’ll continue the discussion about creating a special EXR file for exporting to Quixel Mixer and getting a brush for a sculpture from it. And also I'll demonstrate a complex asset, on which we will work in the following parts.

3D-Coat. Create the sculpt brush for Quixel Mixer.

In this video we will talk about the sculpt brush creation in the 3D-coat for the Quixel Mixer.

Quixel Mixer. Creation of PBR material with displacement in 3D-Coat.

In this video, we will talk about using 3D-Coat to create a Displacement map with PBR material without UV and retopology, as well as importing this material into Quixel Mixer.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Final. Railclone plugin and render with Vray Next.

This is the final part of the tutorial about Quixel Mixer and in it we'll talk about yet another plugin for creating roads in Unreal Engine 4, and also go to the 3dsmax and we will use RailClone, VrayNext and VertexPaint to create and render the road.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 5. Blend Material creation in Unreal Engine 4

In this video, we will talk about the creation of Blend Material in UE4 by using the Megascans plugin and will paint  on RGB channels using Vertex Paint Mode. Also, we'll look at the water surface settings, resize the assets in the Quixel Mixer and re-export them to the Unreal Engine 4.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 3. Сreation of the damaged asphalt with puddles.

In this video we will talk about the creation of the damaged road with puddles.

Quixel Mixer road in UE4 and 3ds max. Part 2. Fresh Asphalt surface. Street decals.

Adding a fresh asphalt surface. Decals of stripes marking and sidewalk. Customize export to Bridge. Surface and decals settings.

Fantasy forest creation in the Corona Renderer.

Fantasy Forest creation with Corona Renderer, 3D-Coat, Poliigon, Substance Painter, 3dsmax, Megascans, SpeedTree, Polybrush, ForestPack, WorldCreator and Cobweb. You can watch this project here -

World Creator 2. The creation of a fantasy world. Part 2 #Corona #Megascans #3dCoat #3dsmax

The continuation of the 1st part of creating a fantasy world for the project "The Forester". This video shows the process of setting up of the fog, modeling the clouds in 3D-Coat, setting their shader in Corona Render and the render on our farm For the fast rendering I used: 4*Dual Xeon e5 2670 2,6 GHz - 128 Threads + 1 Intel Core i7 4930K 3,4 Ghz 12 Threads. Render time - 58min. Noise - 3% - enough for the final image By the way, who will give the promo code - cgevent to our managers - will receive a 15% discount for render.

World Creator 2. The creation of a fantasy world. Part 1 #Corona #Megascans #3dCoat #3dsmax

Continue to create the worlds for the project "The Forester". In this video I show the process of creating the world in the World Creator 2. Then export maps and masks in the 3dsmax. Render in Corona, as well as create clouds and fog in 3d-Coat. Also I show the download Megascans materials and their use in conjunction with the resulting masks from the World Creator 2.

The creation of an environment for the project "The Forester". Part 3.


The creation of an environment for the project "The Forester". Part 2.

The creating process of the environment with using Megascans, SpeedTree, Substance Painter, Redshift, 3d-Coat and Forestpack for my project "The Forester". 

Megascans and Forestpack timelapse of create the scene for "the Forester". Part 1.

The process of creating the environment using Megascans and Forestpack for my project "The Forester".

Разбор инструментария Quixel Megascans и рендер ассетов в Vray. Часть 2(+RU sub)

Вторая часть обзора Quixel Megascans Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей Charly и сегодня я представляю вам вторую часть моего обзора инструментария Quixel Megascans  В данном уроке я расскажу как импортировать материалы из Megascans Studio, 3d ассеты и атласы(плейны с текстурой) Также расскажу о замечательном плагине SIbl, который очень упрощает работу и экономит время во время настройки HDRi студии для рендера.  После разберемся, как засадить травой данную поверхность используя ForestPack, решим проблему с летающими объектами с помощью эффекта Scatter on Dispalced Surfaces.  и отрендерим это все в VRay на рендер-ферме ForRender.  Приятного просмотра!

Разбор инструментария Quixel Megascans и рендер ассетов в Vray. Часть 1(+RU sub)

Первая часть обзора Quixel Megascans Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей ака Charly и сегодня я представляю вам первую часть моего обзора инструментария Quixel Megascans  В комментариях пишите пожелания, вопросы, темы уроков, которые вы хотели бы увидеть в новых выпусках и т.д и т.п