
Showing posts with the label charlytutors

Phoenix FD. Simulation of coffee, honey, chocolate, blood, paint, ink and waterfall. Chaos Cloud.

Phoenix FD is a powerful tool for VFX simulations from the ChaosGroup. In this video, we will talk about the simulation of coffee, honey, chocolate, blood, paint, ink, waterfall and render them on the V-Ray Cloud (Chaos Cloud)

Teya Conceptor. Part 3

Teya Conceptor - program for modeling in a few seconds from Arseny Korablev. Paint with brushes from a huge library, make your own from your models and use Teya in your work with other programs. In this video we will talk about the tool for creating bones, as well as creating a basic mushroom shape in Teya Conceptor and finalizing the concept in 3D-Coat to further create an organic brush.

Convert a scene from Vray to Corona Renderer. Corona Hair and Corona Skin materials.

In this video I show the conversion of a scene from Vray to Corona Renderer. Adjusting the Corona Hair and Corona Skin material, editing the normal map and rendering on our farm.

Environment Creation 1.2. SpeedTree Cinema 8 leaves. HandDrawing mode. Megascans leaves.

In this lesson we will learn how to add leaves, edit them with a special editor. Make your meshes of leaves from the Megascans texture. Customize low and highpoly geometry for them. Will learn how to draw trees in HandDrawing mode.

Environment Creation. Chapter 1.1. Introduction to the SpeedTree Cinema 8

Basic SpeedTree Cinema 8 tutorial. In this lesson you will learn how to create a base tree with foliage from the megascans. How to draw and edit trees. What to consider when importing into 3dsmax and when exporting from SpeedTree.

World Creator 2. The creation of a fantasy world. Part 2 #Corona #Megascans #3dCoat #3dsmax

The continuation of the 1st part of creating a fantasy world for the project "The Forester". This video shows the process of setting up of the fog, modeling the clouds in 3D-Coat, setting their shader in Corona Render and the render on our farm For the fast rendering I used: 4*Dual Xeon e5 2670 2,6 GHz - 128 Threads + 1 Intel Core i7 4930K 3,4 Ghz 12 Threads. Render time - 58min. Noise - 3% - enough for the final image By the way, who will give the promo code - cgevent to our managers - will receive a 15% discount for render.

Octane Render Benchmark on the renderfarm

Octane Render test on the new servers Hello everyone! With you Krivulya Andrew aka Charly and I record this video about the update of our renderfarm We have 3 new GPU servers. 4 * 980Ti, 4 * 1080 and 4 * 1080Ti. In this video, I conduct a render test of my scene on 4*980Ti and 4*980Ti +3*1080Ti+4*1080, as well as the standard Octane Bench In the comments write wishes, questions, topics of lessons that you would like to see in new releases, etc etc

Redshift bencmark test on the

Redshift test on the new servers PAYPAL - WEBMONEY-Z861481193973 PATREON - Hello everyone! With you Krivulya Andrew aka Charly and I record this video about the update of our renderfarm We have 3 new GPU servers. 4 * 980Ti, 4 * 1080 and 4 * 1080Ti. In this video, I conduct a render test of my scene on 980Ti and 1080Ti, as well as the standard Redshift Benchmark. In the comments write wishes, questions, topics of lessons that you would like to see in new releases, etc etc

Ornatrix Course. Chapter 6.8, Final part.

Demonstration of my workflow on the example of creating a hairstyle with a fringe and loading it into the Marmoset Toolbag. The final part of this chapter =) PAYPAL - WEBMONEY-Z861481193973 PATREON - Hello! With you Krivulya Andrey aka Charly and today I present to you the 8th and final part of the 6th chapter of my basic course about Ornatrix, in which I show the process of creating a gamedev hairstyle with a fringe, and also loading it into the Marmoset Toolbag. In the comments write wishes, questions, topics of lessons that you would like to see in new releases, etc etc

Making of "The Forester". Part 4

In this video, I show the process of adjusting the skin and hair in the new Corona Render 1.7, as well as the retopology of some objects in 3d-Soat, texturing in the Substance Painter and setting up materials in the Corona render. Show using the textures for scuffs and dirt from the site Poliigon, as well as creating chains using the script BraidedHair. Combing the hair and fur in Ornatrix. Rendered on the farm. ( 2*Xeon e5 2670 56Gb RAM)

Ornatrix Course. Chapter 6.7

Continuation of creating hair for gamedev. Hello! With you Andrew krivulya aka Charly and today I present to you the 7th part of the 6th Chapter of my basic course in Ornatrix in which I continue to talk about the creating of the hair for gamedev with using Ornatrix.

Ornatrix Course. Chapter 6.6

Overview of how to create short haircuts for mobile games. Hello! With you Andrew krivulya aka Charly and today I present to you the 6th part of the 6th Chapter from my basic course about Ornatrix, which tells about the creation of short haircuts for mobile platforms.

The creation of an environment for the project "The Forester". Part 2.

The creating process of the environment with using Megascans, SpeedTree, Substance Painter, Redshift, 3d-Coat and Forestpack for my project "The Forester". 

Ornatrix Course. Chapter 6.1 - 6.5

Yeah! Ornatrix 6.1-6.5 =) 6.6 is already on the way. Patreon is now only at your will for only support. Soon I will change the description and goals there =) As promised in the 5th chapter, I continued to consider the all the modifiers on the panel, and then go on to fulfill the promise on the stream - Creating a game hair in Ornatrix. Since 6.5 I am already fulfilling this promise. In general - enjoyable viewing!

Megascans and Forestpack timelapse of create the scene for "the Forester". Part 1.

The process of creating the environment using Megascans and Forestpack for my project "The Forester".

Разбор инструментария Quixel Megascans и рендер ассетов в Vray. Часть 1(+RU sub)

Первая часть обзора Quixel Megascans Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей ака Charly и сегодня я представляю вам первую часть моего обзора инструментария Quixel Megascans  В комментариях пишите пожелания, вопросы, темы уроков, которые вы хотели бы увидеть в новых выпусках и т.д и т.п

Ornatrix plugin. Базовый курс. Часть 4.2. Вторая часть обзора Hair From Guides.

Вторая часть обзора модификатора Ox Hair from Guides. Всем привет! С вами Кривуля Андрей ака Charly и сегодня я представляю вам продолжение разбира настроек модификатора Hair From Guides.В комментариях пишите пожелания, вопросы, темы уроков, которые вы хотели бы увидеть в новых выпусках и т.д и т.п

Ornatrix Plugin. Базовый курс. Часть 2. Edit Guides урок 1.

Первая часть обзора инструнтария модификатора Ox Edit Guides.

Ornatrix plugin. Базовый курс. Часть 1

Краткий обзор стандартных модификаторов и рендер волос в Vray с помощью пресета.