Ornatrix Course. Chapter 6.1 - 6.5

Yeah! Ornatrix 6.1-6.5 =) 6.6 is already on the way. Patreon is now only at your will for only support. Soon I will change the description and goals there =)
As promised in the 5th chapter, I continued to consider the all the modifiers on the panel, and then go on to fulfill the promise on the stream - Creating a game hair in Ornatrix. Since 6.5 I am already fulfilling this promise.
In general - enjoyable viewing!
The content of the video:
00:00 - 00:50 - Intro
00:50 - 02:50 - Strand Curling Tool to create wavy curls. Curl Form. Flat sinusoidal pattern and Spiral pattern.
02:50 - 04:02 - the Apply to Group option. Create groups in the Edit Guides and apply a modifier to them. Using Strand Detail for a smooth curl.
04:02 - 04:45 - Global Parameters. Hair Length Dependent.
04:45 - 05:14 - Parameters for Curling hair. Magnitude, Phase, Phase Offset.
05:14 - 05:26 - Stretch parameter
05:26 - 05:43 - Standard Deviation Tab. Perlin Noise.
05:43 - 06:00 - A curve to adjustment of the influence of the curls from the root to the tip.
06:00 - 07:30 - Work with textures and load them in the slots Magnitude, Phase, Stretch.
07:30 - 07:50 - Ox Strand Length and Group Filter.
07:50 - 08:30 - Length, Min and Max.Length, Randomize, Seed and the use of texture in the Length Map slot.
08:30 - 09:51 - Surface Comb. Creating guides Sinks.
09:51 - 10:37 - Apply to the Shape and load a gradient in the Slope map slot to control the bend of the hair.
10:37 - 10:52 - Apply to Direction.
10:52 - 11:18 - Azimuthal Deviation. Chaos Seed and using Chaos Map.
11:18 - 12:10 - Surface Orientation. Relative, and Absolute buttons. Loading map slot in to the Orientation Map.
12:10 - 13:00 - Sink Caching. Detach Sinks. Bend Along the curve of the Strand.
13:00 - 13:19 - the Ending. Video preview other lessons. The subscription button and the button for support on Patreon.
The content of the video:
00:00 - 00:34 - Intro
00:34 - 01:20 - Strand Gravity modifier. Gravity Force Vector. Strand Deformation and Gravity Along the Strand.
01:20 - 03:42 - Strand Clustering. Cluster Control Amount. Cluster Map. Wisp-Based Clusters. Size Variation Map. Twisting. Clustering Along The Strand.
03:42 - 04:42 - Clustering Hair. Cluster Num.Clumps. Cluster Shape. Clustering and Cluster Treshold maps.
04:42 - 05:37 - Strand Symmetry. Symmetry Axis. Ignore Use Distance. Ground Mirrored Strands.
05:37 - 06:15 - Strand Detail. The Number of Segments. A tool to optimize curves.
06:15 - 11:33 - Hair From Mesh Strips Object. Adding an object plane in the modifier list and create hair on its surface. Three kinds of distribution of hair on the mesh object Per Vertex, Uniform, or Random. Options Hair Per Strip, and View Hairs %. Options to control the direction of the hair - Rotate and Flip. Parameter Pts Per Strand. Parameters Mat.ID as Str. Groups and Inherit UVs from strips. Volume Curve Along The Strip.
11:33 - 12:33 - Creating hair using rib modified barrel.
12:33 - 14:12 - Using Zbrush to create special stripes for the hair. Insert Multimesh brush Hair from Simon Chapman.
14:12 - 15:11 - using the edges of a flattened sphere to defining the shape of the hair.
15:11 - 15:28 - Ending. Video preview other lessons. The subscription button and the button for support on Patreon.
The content of the video:
00:00 - 00:30 - Intro
00:30 - 01:40 - Ox Mesh From Strands. Tab Mesh Generation and three types of Masa. Prismatic/Cylindrical, Flat Bilboards, Proxy Mesh. The parameters of the Cross-Section Shape and Num.Sides.
01:40 - 03:45 - Creating and using Proxy object. The principle of operation of this method.
03:45 - 04:02 - Tangent Normals option.
04:02 - 04:13 - Camera Facing Billboards.
04:13 - 04:35 - Export Guide Mesh Data
04:35 - 05:02 - Mapping The Channel Parameters. Per-Strand UV Coords.
05:02 - 07:21 - Create Texture Atlas and Str. Group Tex. Islands options.
07:21 - 08:39 - Materials IDs. Based on Strand Group setting. Num.Mat.IDs. Randomly Scatter and Scattering Map.
08:39 - 09:48 - Cross-Section Shape. The Inherited Properties. The Initial Properties.
09:48 - 10:06 - Ending. Video preview other lessons. The subscription button and the button for support on Patreon.
The content of the video:
00:00 - 00:34 - Intro
00:34 - 01:25 - a few words about the dynamics, Lucid modifier.
01:25 - 03:21 - Add Shells Hair modifier. Cut Penetrating Strands.
03:37 - 03:56 - Ox Guides on Spline modifier.
03:56 - 08:14 - Add Propagation Modifier. Propagation Settings. Propagate on ID. Distribution Range. Twist Control. Fanning Control.
08:14 - 08:32 - Ending. Video preview of the other lessons. The subscription button and the button for support me on the Patreon.
The content of the video:
00:00 - 00:34 - Intro
00:34 - 01:48 - Overview of the female dummy for the lesson. Information about refernce for a lesson.
01:48 - 05:39 - About hair mesh for the gamedev. What is the number of triangles used for hair at the moment.
05:39 - 11:16 - About the process of creating hair for gamedev. How to optimize the mesh and what the Ornatrix modifiers to use.
11:16 - 11:34 - Ending. Video preview other lessons. The subscription button and the button for support on Patreon.
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Music AudioBlocks.com
Pleasant viewing!
Sincerely, Andrew krivulya aka Charly.
00:00 - 00:34 - Intro
00:34 - 01:48 - Overview of the female dummy for the lesson. Information about refernce for a lesson.
01:48 - 05:39 - About hair mesh for the gamedev. What is the number of triangles used for hair at the moment.
05:39 - 11:16 - About the process of creating hair for gamedev. How to optimize the mesh and what the Ornatrix modifiers to use.
11:16 - 11:34 - Ending. Video preview other lessons. The subscription button and the button for support on Patreon.
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► Blog with lessons http://charlytuts.blogspot.com/
► I in the VC http://vk.com/artofcharly
► I'm in Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/artofcharly
► My group lessons in the VC http://vk.com/charlytuts
Music AudioBlocks.com
Pleasant viewing!
Sincerely, Andrew krivulya aka Charly.