Redshift 3.0.21 Nvlink Test on 2x2080Ti

Since literally all render developers add NVLink support, I decided to test it in Redshift 3.0.21. Because on this version - I noticed a strong jump in speed in Redshift Render. Many even talk about this on the forum =)

The essence of the test is to fill the entire memory of one 2080Ti so that NVLink works and starts taking the missing memory from the second video card. Since Instance doesn't take up a lot of memory - I do a Copies.

If you wish, you can enable Instance and render billions, but the essence of the test is not the point.

I know about the Array Tool and when I tried it - Max crashed immediately, even on Object -Display as Box. So I carefully copied using Shift so that nothing would fly out.

So far I decided to test without textures. The following tests will already be with them.

And yet - I have no purpose to compare renders. I do not like to do this, because I believe that everyone is good in their own way and everyone has their own advantages, and I never pay attention to the minuses.

Happy viewing!

Other tests -

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Hi, my name is Andrey Krivulya Charly and I am a 3d artist and started my career in 2009. On this channel - I share my experience and talk about all sorts of interesting and useful features of different programs, show my workflow, making of and so on.

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Enjoy watching!
Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Charly.

Production  Music  courtesy  of  Epidemic  Sound"

#redshift #nvlink #2080ti